Allena Frost

  • Lost in the Edens

    Is the garden with the white snake that Izaya met as a child really a paradise or is it his prison from the same white snake? Is that why children and adults were forbidden to go into the Edens, the beautiful garden that maintained its looks and beauty no matter what time or year? Maybe he might as well give in if there is no hope! Delic/Izaya Shizuo/Izaya

  • Presentable Liberty: Circus Monster

    There is a monster and then there is just a human born to be seen as one. A monster doesn't define a human that was born like that, it defines the man who finds happiness in others pain. Had I stood up to him, then Charlotte... She wouldn't be gone... She would be happily singing besides me and never been stuck in this hell hole. AU Circus Monster

  • Phantom of Shibuya

    Do you love Phantom of the Opera? Do you love Shizaya? Well I here is a fic with both! Izaya is a young performer that grew up in the world famous Opera house of Shibuya. His voice was amazing and his acting skills were perfect, but he didn't care and took the small roles. As time went on the Phantom of Shibuya's Opera has gotten out of hand and Izaya suddenly has gotten big roles.

  • Libera Psychedelic

    Izaya's heart was broken by the sudden death of his boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. Forced to carry on without his beloved Shizuo, he fell into a reclusive and joyless existence. Izaya had given up on the world, but a brilliant scientist (Shinra) devised a plan to win him back. Shizaya, based off the anime film Hal.

  • Sermonis in Angustiis

    Sometimes you make mistakes with the fan you use and sometimes you brought in on yourself by messing with a childhood frenemy. Maybe Izaya will think next time for bullying Shizuo when they were both little lads. Fans are used as communication between Izaya and Shizuo at times :3. There will be smut later on in the chapters. AU! Victorian Age. Shizaya :3

  • The Mirror Mask

    Feliciano works with his parents at their family circus, but desires to run away and join real life. At the next performance, after Feliciano and his mother have a heated argument, Feliciano's mother collapses and is taken to the hospital. Soon he finds himself in a world quite like his drawings, and meets a man that calls himself Athur/Valentine. Engita. Mirror Mask AU! Enjoy!

  • Through the Winter Prince's Eyes

    AU! Based off of vocaloid song. Izaya as a prince was loved and admired by all.His kindness as a child, and his urge to help people in need made everyone love him all except one. When his father dies, Izaya becomes cold and distant to his friends, sometimes using people.His stepmother always wanting to be better asks the mirror who is the fairest, causing everything to go wrong!