Andorian Ice Princess-AIP

  • Bonded by Fire

    AU For Casey and Severide putting their lives on the line for their jobs is a daily occurrence. But when an enemy arises from within the ranks to take one of them down, will they be able to put aside differences and work together or will both be destroyed? Danger. Whump. Bromance. And lots of Angsty Drama. CHAP 20 UP NOW

  • Trying to Adjust

    With Severide living in Casey's home, Casey now tries to find a balance between offering continued support and stepping back a little. But as he sees Severide slowly spiraling downward, can he just step back? Or will his interference strain their friendship? Missing broment scene. Based off eppy 3.02 'Wow Me' Contains some spoilers

  • Rewriting Destiny

    AU For Robert Chase and Gregory House destiny was already set for the two of them and it was worlds apart. But a chance meeting and an instant kindred connection forces both worlds to start to come together until destiny has rewritten a new family. But will others succeed in tearing them apart? CHAP 44 UP NOW!

  • The Guardian-Part II

    AU SQL to The Guardian. Jamie and Danny prepare to fully become Reagan's but it won't be as easy as Frank wants for the boys. A new threat, a past enemy, a budding romance, family tension and looming danger. Will the boys ultimate dream be realized? Will their destiny be Blue? CHAP 30 UP NOW

  • Plan B

    AU Shay's death doesn't only impact Severide, it also affects their four year old daughter Can he find a way to cope with his grief as he raises his daughter? Can Casey help his friend & goddaughter survive? Parenting woes, whump, a straining friendship, a growing romance (w/Erin), lurking dangers & a personal threat are a few of the hurdles Severide has to overcome. CHAP 26 UP NOW

  • The Perfect Honeymoon?

    AU After a harrowing week they wanted nothing more than some rest and relaxation as newlyweds and planned the perfect honeymoon. Would they actually get it? CHAP 2 up now.

  • The Call

    AU Severide gets a call from a person he thinks is Casey. But when he fails to come back to the Firehouse, Casey goes in search of his friend. Where is Severide? And what dangerous consequences did his earlier actions bring him? Can Erin help Matt before it's too late? Tag to eppy 1.04 'One Minute'

  • Time's Up?

    AU For Severide, dealing with finding Shay's killer and memorial tribute was enough but now Casey was in the clutches of a serial arsonist intent to kill. Will Severide get to Casey before time runs out? Based on eppy 3.13 'Three Bells' Has some spoilers.

  • Fight for the Future

    Something worth having is worth fighting for and for House and Chase's new family it's worth everything. As their new family bond continues to strengthen its also tested with an outside threat, a close friend's family troubles and some working woes. Will they survive & be stronger in the end? CHAP 33 UP NOW

  • No Mercy

    Trapped and injured with a merciless madman bent on personal revenge. What happens when Danny arrives to the scene to find Jamie missing? Can Danny rescue Jamie before it's too late? Or will he lose another brother in the line of duty? Based on Eppy 5.05 'Loose Lips' 'Contains spoilers' CHAP 5 UP NOW

  • Unfriendly Skies

    AU Severide manages to jump from the crudely attached, busted up helicopter just in time to watch it slowly roll over the edge and dangle dangerously in mid-air. But a cry catches in his throat as he realizes that someone's still inside. Casey! Based off a scene from eppy 3.08 'Chopper' Casey!hurt / Severide!rescue/comfort

  • Can't Lose Another

    Mayday! Truck 81 has crashed! As he rushes to Casey's side will Severide be able to remain objective? Or will he finally face what really frightens him? Losing another friend. Losing Casey. Based off eppy 3.03 'Just Drive the Truck' Contains some spoilers

  • Always

    A month after their friend's tragic death, Casey goes searching for Severide knowing that if he doesn't find his friend in time, he might lose him forever. Missing broment scene. Based on eppy 3.01 'Always' Contains MAJOR spoilers!

  • Never Surrender

    He's not about to lose his best friend or his ship. The problem is, he can't get to or help either without risking his own life. Based off eppy 1.10 No Place Like Home (contains some spoilers) CHAP 2 up now

  • Darkness

    AU Panic, terror, pain, silence…darkness. 51 races to rescue Casey and Severide trapped beneath the rubble as an injured Severide desperately tries to get to Casey who is trapped and unresponsive. Will they be rescued in time? Or will darkness consume them both for good? Based on the premise of eppy 2.20 'A Dark Day'

  • Last Alarm

    Casey and Severide share a toast to Jones after her funeral and reflect on how fragile life really is. Loosely based on eppy 2.19 'A Heavy Weight' Contains some spoilers. Missing broment scene

  • Backdraft

    A tragic death. A false charge. An emotional hearing. After being emotionally drained Casey just needed something…a little stronger. A drink…and a friendly shoulder to lean on. Based on eppy 2.17 'When Things Got Rough' Contains some spoilers Missing broment scene

  • Blackout!

    A tense shift ends with the lights still out. Casey brushes off Severide's concern after he's injured in the fight but when Severide can't reach Casey on his phone and he goes in search of his friend in the darkness what does he find? Based on eppy 2.13 'Tonight's the Night' Contains some spoilers

  • Growing Concern

    A fight with a stranger, a confession and some quality time for Matt and Kelly. But what does Matt confess to Kelly alone that will draw them closer together? Based on eppy 2.12 'Out with a Bang' Contains some spoilers

  • A Little Too Soon?

    After a very tense shift Casey & Severide try bond over a few beers, talking about their heated showdown with a crazed gunman & a special project. But what is Casey really hiding from his friend and before the night is over will Severide suspect the real truth? Was it too soon for Casey to come back? Based on eppy 2.011 'Shoved in my Face' Contains some spoilers