

  • The Scale between Black and White

    Except for the prologue this is set after DH, ignoring the epilog. Slightly AU. In the aftermath of the battle of Hogwarts Hermione has to learn to distinguish between black, white and every shade of grey in between. Femslash. Don't like? Don't read. HGPP. Ginny, Fleur, Luna.

  • Kiss

    Just another kiss under a misstletow at Hogwarts staring Hermione and Fleur. Set during GoF. Not related in any way to "Thrall or not Thrall, that Is the Question" and its sequel(s). Fluffy femslash. Don't like? Don't read. Disclaimer: Still visiting the Harry Potter universe. Just for fun. Oneshot.

  • Shifting towards Eachother

    Even in a magic world, families are families and show all possible, almost universal attitudes towards a new couple, that tries do develop a relationship as undisturbed as possible. Not an easy task, when one of them is channeling ancient magic. Sequel to „Thrall or not Thrall, that Is the Question". Yet again fluffy femslash. If you are not into that, don't read it.

  • Thrall or not Thrall, that Is the Question

    Fleur is confronted with an old question. She hopes the anwer is NO in this case. One Shot. Set after the 7th book ignoring the epilogue. Fluffy femslash (again). If you don't like that, don't read it. Disclaimer: I do not own the HP universe or anything that comes with it. I am just visiting.

  • Hermione Granger and the Incalculable Life

    Hermione is in love. Does she have a chance at all? Set after the 7th book ignoring the epilogue. Fluffy felmslash. If you do not like that, do not read it.