

  • The High School Musical Games: Part 1

    I've literally been thinking about this story. So I hope that this story won't be any trouble. Basically, Gabriella has a sister who is named Monica, but she gets put down, and Gabriella steps forward takes her place, and I also changed Peeta and put him in District 14 instead.

  • Tina The Runaway

    I'M trying to figure out the summary as well.

  • When Can See You Again?

    This takes place after High School musical 2. Gabriella has been trying to get Troy to notice her, even after his mother died. But when somebody new comes into town. They both start to fall in love. Even if she doesn't know his deep dark secret.

  • It's a brand new day for Hermione and Draco

    Draco and Hermione still hate each other. But how will they cope with each other? If they can't stand each other. But they learn to get along with each other after a while.

  • Memories that will go on forever

    Hopefully I've made a very good story. But I need help on the second. It's a very short summary and a very short story.

  • Dramione Chat room: Part 1

    Dramione: chat room: Part 1. I know it doesn't say much.

  • Can We At Least Think About This

    "No," she said. "I don't wanna see you anymore." And with that she ran off."

  • Boring AN

    Until Copy-N-Paste is ready to work.

  • Chasing A Dream

    Teddy try's to chase her dream of being with Spencer, but he's still with Skylar. Can they both be together, before it's too late?

  • Willing to take that risk

    This time it's not a three way crossover. This is just a Troyella story for now on.

  • Hermione tales with Tom Riddle

    "I hope so as well, Ginny." Hermione said as she got up to walk to the library, when Tom bumped into her. "I'm sorry and I should have watched where I was going, Hermione, but I was on my way to find you in the library reading a book." I promise that the chapters will be longer.

  • Camp Hogwarts Star

    Cedric lives across the lake with Cho Chang. He barely even knows about Hermione, but one day they eventurally meet each other and they hope the both could be together, but what will their friends say?

  • Cedric and Hermione meet up together

    Hermione and Cedric meet up together.

  • alice in wonderland dramione and a thousand years2

    hermione meets alice and become friends and draco asks hermione to pay his family a visit

  • alice in wonderland, dramione and a thousand years

    hermione meets alice and become friends and draco asks hermione to pay his family a visit

  • high school musical 2: dramione

    draco and hermione get along and start an relationship but pansy wishes hermione was dead but everything changed that summer. and theuy start dating

  • hermione and draco fall in love for the first time

    hermione is still mad at draco but then she trusts him and become boyfriend and girlfriend

  • harry potter

    these men are shooting at my nose but not really and this is one of the kind

  • To the day and night

    I need sometime to sort out the chapter.