
  • Lights Over Water: Shattered (Under Revision)

    There was a princess, a prince and a curse. She teaches him what it means to be a warrior. He teaches her what it means to be in love. Well, that part was an accident. But now she's gone, along with his memory of her and her kind. But she's back, and has no memory of him either. Can they fall in love again?

  • Star Crossed

    Jareth has long since become bored with Sarah and searching the aboveground for entertainment, he sees a raven haired girl named Venus. Venus is living a rather hard life. Her mother is dead and her father in love with a gold digger, the only haven for her is her bedroom and her dreams. But who is this mysterious blue eyed man that haunts her sleep and what does he want with her?

  • Love Bites (Under Revision)

    Maybe he was just attracted to the way she was so broken, and he was too. He was drawn in by her passion and her hurricane of emotions, the kind that were quite similar to the storm raging on in his very own soul.

  • Some Things Were Made To Be Broken

    The Tashio's and the Arashi's have been at each other's throats for as long as anyone could remember. Then the two teenagers of the families get thrown in the same high school. So what happens? Well one of them ends up with a crush. Or in his own words, "Not a crush. Most definitely not a crush."