
  • The Poor Man's Courtesan

    Reposting this on my new account.A nameless dancer at the Moulin Rouge looks at her life and realizes that no one will ever see her for who she is but rather what they wanted her to be. And what would that be? Satine... Yes, jealousy can drive you mad. One shot. Complete.

  • A Favor Returned

    Ferris tries to return a favor and hopes that Jeanie doesn't get the short end again. Takes place right after the movie. Rated T for language.

  • The Hiddles Marathon Challenge

    Just a writing exercise, I gather and watch every Hiddleston movie/show I can and write up a one-shot/drabble during the running time. My playlist is set so let's see what my brain vomits up during that time, maybe a real story will come of it, depending on my schedule and reader response. I encourage anyone who wants to take up the challenge!

  • Like Brother and Sister

    Inspired by the 1960 film Butterfield 8, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher. Gloria goes to the one man that she could always be honest with a story that no one else knows, except one. Steve tries to show her that family doesn't love the way she is accustomed to, while mourning the loss of what could have been the love of his life.