

  • silverLighter

    Drabble-ish thing I wrote for Matt x Mello Day 2014 on Tumblr.

  • Dreamers

    He got out of trouble half alive, and Matt will help him become whole. Implied MxM.

  • не ангелы - Not Angels

    Someone once wrote that even when facing death, the knowledge of having a friend is soothing. A collection of Matt x Mello drabbles.

  • Disobeying gravity

    Luke fell from the cliff, which meant a fresh start for her... Not really. Written for Thaluke shipping week 2014 on tumblr.

  • Victimized

    One glance and an obsession was born. One touch and possession could come to life. Mello really wants to prove his suspicions, but isn't he the one getting tricked by the mysterious redhead..? Working together has never seemed so dangerous before... Rated M for smut, foul language and... The possibility of something kinky happening.

  • Samotni

    Co zrobisz, jeżeli przeszłość nagle zasłoni ci oczy, pojawiając się w postaci młodzieńca o aparycji niespełnionego motocyklisty? Matt x Mello, chociaż historia nie jest i nie będzie szczęśliwa w oczywisty sposób.

  • Jewel

    Freedom is something you cherish unless it's replaced with blind admiration. Possesive!Mello and Possesed!Matt. Rated M for a reason.

  • Memento mori - Heat

    In memoriam of Matt and Mello, four years after their death (according to the manga timeline).