Dream Theme

  • The Snake and the Raven

    The Big Four. Hogwarts AU. A prompt given to me by someone for my writing blog. - Its obvious they like each other. Everyone can see it... except themselves. What they need is a little friendly guidance from two others who are as equally as oblivious. Jackunzel. Rated for a couple of swear words. Nothing too major.

  • You're going to be magnificent

    Always believe that.

  • Here, ghostie ghostie ghostie

    When 2 FBI agents show up asking Danny all sorts of questions, things get real weird real fast. And that's by Amity Park's standards.

  • The Shadows of the Trees

    The people who lived on the outskirts had long ago marked these trees as cursed. Even Jack felt something sinister among them. The branches of the trees always seemed to reach out and grab at you. The paths would change daily, meaning you could never follow the same one twice. And sometimes, the 50 year old teenager could hear mischievous laughter. - The Big Four minus Hiccup

  • Secret Sketches

    Hiccup had definitely not wanted anyone to see them. He would have happily kept them a secret from the world. But he doesn't think he'll ever regret Jack stealing his book and flicking through the pages. - The Big Four, Mericcup

  • Will you go the prom with me?

    Hiccup is dared to ask someone to go to the prom with him - The Big Four, Mericcup in the first chapter. High School AU

  • Screaming

    Jack and Merida are having their worst argument yet. - The Big Four

  • Harry's Last Battle

    The battle of Hogwarts. What if someone had dreamt of it? What if that someone saw what was to come? What if they changed it so that one less person died? The battle of Hogwarts through someone elses point of view. - oneshot