
  • Testing Boundaries à la Nate Drake's Style

    Post-movie and strictly movie-compliant. When Chloe shows up unannounced, Nate's ribbing on Sully goes a little too far, making Nate realize where the boundaries of teasing lie. Warning: Spanking of a teenager and adult. Written for Sep 2, the "Testing Boundaries" prompt for Spanktember 2022!

  • The House Which Time Forgot, The Following Four Days

    Sequel to Sideways. In short chapters, the four days that follow. Harry may be the hero of the Wizarding World and an eighteen-year-old Auror-in-Training, but managing Snape while Snape is managing him (taking out his slow, slow revenge) is exhausting. But Harry is as resourceful as ever and welcomes the challenge of taking care of Snape taking care of him.

  • A Time and Place to Reign

    Sequel to A Time and Place to Thrive, 4th in the Time and Place series. The older Harry gets and the more he grows into adulthood, the more trials and tribulations he faces. However, despite his increasing powers and influence over the Wizarding world, he still needs a place to belong and to call home.

  • Research and Development Devices

    Post-Skyfall. When Q locks himself in his lab and then acts out against Mallory in a fit of temper, James takes the young man in hand with surprising results. Warnings: Spanking, some language, and too many British-isms by an American Southern writer because they're fun to write.

  • A Taste of Revenge

    Harry finally gets back at Draco in a most un-Gryffindor way. Non-slash. Warning for underage drinking.

  • The House Which Time Forgot, Not Fair

    One-shot, set in the continuance of the The House Which Time Forgot. During Harry's third year, Snape deals with Harry's escape to Hogsmeade. Thirteen and ready to make his own decisions, Harry feels that life is quite unfair. Warning: spanking.

  • A Time and Place to Thrive

    Sequel to A Time and Place to Learn. Harry and his friends search for Snape and face the challenges of adulthood while learning that sometimes friends and adoptive fathers are the best support of all. Warning: spanking and language in some chapters.

  • The House Which Time Forgot, Sideways

    One-Shot. 18-year-old Harry faces fear and truth. (Deliberately vague so nothing is spoiled.) After Regression Regrets but before the original's Epilogue. Warning: Dark, but not too depressing, and unbetaed.

  • The House That Time Forgot, Regression Regrets

    Set in the summer when Harry is 16, Harry is hit by an odd curse and has to spend time healing and trying not to kill Snape as the potion master nurses him back to health. Warning: spanking of a teenager and medical needles.

  • Control at Wayne Manor

    Early Season 1, Short One-Shot. Bruce takes to hiding in the manor for a long day and Alfred is less than pleased. For Bruce, control has been and always will be an issue, not that Alfred would understand. Warning: Non-sexual spanking of a preteen/child.

  • Love and Darkness

    Post-Season 2, Ep. 1 Spoilers. Alone in the dark, Ward thinks about Skye. Warning: violence and angst and some suggested sexuality

  • The Hook Affair, in Three Acts

    A one-shot, but in three parts. Mid-Season 3. Emma and Hook have a dalliance, and Hook writes an erotic letter letter to her detailing their moments together. As is normal in their fates, the letter falls into the wrong hands. Warning: spanking and sex, though not entirely graphic. Rated M for safety, but could be high Teen.

  • Three's Always a Crowd

    Summary: SPOILERS FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA : THE WINTER SOLDIER. On a date with Kate, Steve struggles with two incidents: his attraction for the pretty agent neighbor next door and Bucky crashing their tryst. Warning(s): Spanking; spoilers for the above-mentioned films; some implied swearing, but pretty much PG-13.

  • The House Which Time Forgot, Ginny

    A year after the epilogue of House W.T.F., almost 20-year-old Harry is madly in love with Ginny. But even though they're engaged, Ginny doesn't feel exactly accepted into the home by Snape who is strict and dour as ever. One-shot

  • The House Which Time Forgot Sirius Business

    The summer after rescuing Sirius from execution, Harry finds himself back at Snape's small house with a whole different bunch of problems and tough decisions to make. Warning: spanking.

  • A Time and Place to Learn

    Sequel to A Time and Place to Grow. After spending a summer with Snape, Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts. But Snape is keeping an eye and a firm hand on him, and a new teacher, split loyalties and a looming fight with the Dark Lord await Harry.

  • Redefining Family

    At the end of the Seventh book, but before the Epilogue. After the final war, Harry has to make decisions about where he will go and who he will let into his life as he begins to reexamine his judgements about people. SPOILERS for Deathly Hallows!

  • The Dog's Wolf Cub

    When Lupin is deaged by a potion, Sirius takes him in while Snape brews an antidote. Sirius must take care of the boy who used to be his best friend, but now needs him more than ever, but Sirius discovers more about himself and his past. Non-slash and CP

  • The House Which Time Forgot A Very Naughty Bunny

    After the fight in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry returns to Snape's house for the summer and tries to hide a worsening cold from Snape. Warning: spanking and extreme cuteness

  • The House Which Time Forgot, Wanting Him Back

    Set at the end of the fourth book, Snape has to deal with a grieving Harry after Cedric's death. Harry is acting the best he can to atone, and Snape can't stand an angelic Harry. Warning: Spanking of a teen.