
  • Toys

    This is literally just a chapter of smut just so I could write these two playing with toys. w Enjoy (DEDICATED TO AttackonMax! 3 Love ya hun!) Oh, and tell me if you want another chapter, I had fun writing this. XD

  • Of Office Lives and Lives on the Outside

    Chiga, head director of Akiha Corp - a fashion line. The day has come for interns! And apparently, Chiga kicked one before the interviews. Oh, poor Kokusai-san... They may be OOC like... a lot. ; If they aren't then it wouldn't fit, so, sorry! (Rating may go up later on. ;3)

  • Breakfast

    Tadashi and Hiro's normal, daily routine. (Tell me if I should continue it, if not, It'll just stay as complete! :D)

  • Physically Impossible

    The drop isn't the only thing he can do. XD Rated T for hints of Danny x Dash and the foul words I've made them speak and for Danny blushing .