
  • Pie

    a bit of crack, a bit of fluff, Destiel and pie :-) one-shot

  • Severus Snape and the very-bad-hair-day

    When Snape was still in school and a friend of Lily Evans, she once styled his hair. The morning after, his hair turned out to be a mess and some trouble ensued... One-Shot, might be part of a trilogy. Written for your entertainment, so enjoy ;)

  • Lucy

    A poem about Lucifer s thoughts on the Apocalypse. Basically a poem about Lucifer... T because I feel like it is kind of dark stuff and, yeah, dunno... Yet also a tiny, tiny bit funny ;-) R&R please :-)

  • The Flat

    What if the most chaotic characters of all history lived together? Let s find out:Fred&George,Kili&Fili,Merry&Pippin,Loki&Chairman Meow (a cat) share a ople come to ouble d crossover of everything I like,contains various fandoms (hp, lotr, starkid,cob,avengers,dw,etc,etc...) and mild to unite the lti-chapter,I m not good @ tags :)