

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Seis!

    Blade plays Go Fish against a toaster ...and loses!

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Cinco!

    A oneshot based on the cover picture by mapchild.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Ocho!

    In this excerpt of my oneshot series, Blade and Forge discuss pet names...

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Dos!

    In this addition of Blade and Forge's wacky adventures, they discover the game, Spin-The-Bottle.

  • Blade

    My version of Fable 3. I do not take credit for the game; however two of the characters introduced are original characters. Rated T for language, violence, and the Crawler.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Trece

    This idea came from a journal prompt that I was assigned in creative writing. I hope you enjoy number fourteen of my one shot series.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Tres!

    After changing the name of my story, Spire in Driftwood, I forgot to replace my third story in my oneshot series. Blade hosts a slumber party, which ends in a blaze of glory and chaos.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Doce!

    Number twelve of my oneshot series is in honor of Valentine's Day. *evil cackling* Enjoy *muhahaha! more maniacal laughter-starts coughing uncontrollably from intensity of said laughter.*

  • Spire in Driftwood

    After stumbling upon an ancient relic in Driftwood, Albion's current queen, known as Blade, unintentionally causes history to repeat itself. Only she can defeat the evil rising up in the Tattered Spire ...but can she truly stop it? {Rated T for language and Reaver's dirty jokes}

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Diez!

    Ten already! Wow. In this segment of my oneshot series, Blade and Reaver are having a battle of wits -of sorts. I guess you'll just have to read to find out what happens...

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Once!

    Okay, I know that looks like it says the English word "once," as in "once upon a time," but really its "once" as in the Spanish word for "eleven." This is a oneshot based on the achievement called, "Coronation Chicken." I think you can guess what it's about...

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Nueve!

    In the ninth story of my oneshot series, Forge finds himself in a bit of a conundrum.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Siete!

    Already on number seven of the silly adventures of my ocs. In this one, Ben, Blade, and Forge are up to no good. Includes: duck-duck-goose, musical chairs, and bubbles.

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Quatro!

    Blade introduces her partner-in-crime, affectionately known as Forge, to jousting in a... creative way...

  • Fable One-Shot Numero Uno!

    In this one shot, Blade, Forge, Ben, and Reaver learn the joys of strip poker. Rated T for suggestive material. The cover picture is by mapchild on deviantart (in other words; I do not take credit for it).