
  • The Change

    Carly comes back to Seattle and Sam goes back to continue iCarly. Cat has to go and stay with Jade, when things make a turn for the worst both girls are left wondering who to turn to. Cade fic. Bade moments used. Cam, Sat parts. Dark themes, be warned. Character death.

  • Born To Die

    Sequel to 'The Call'. After the terrible accident in Arizona so many months ago they've grown apart but will a familiar face lead them each back to their one true home. Choose your last words, this is the last time. You and I, we were born to die. Adult Themes, swearing, mentions of rape, self harm. Sensitive themes. AU

  • Bring Me To Life

    A strange new girl arrives at Green Grove, Danny is first to notice her. There's something about the girl that drives him crazy, but when the people closest to him start to go missing, this girl is the first suspect. DANNYxOC

  • Deadly Sins

    Written for 7DOVP. Cat is a bystander, Jade is revengful, Beck is conceited and Andre is desperate. 4 teenagers 4 deadly sins. Hearts are broken and hearts are mended. But these sins can never be undone. Bade, Cade, Jandre, Jyder. T-M rating. You're going to hell.

  • Cold

    "It's so hot but I feel so cold" Written for 7DOVP. Eating disorders & Self harm. Bade. Dark fic.

  • Broken

    When she cuts her arms and doesn't eat for weeks, he's always there to pick her up. When he dies inside and doesn't tell anyone, she's the only one who knows. When he kisses her, he can taste the blood. When she hugs him, she can smell the heavy alcohol that surrounds him. AU. BADE

  • The Call

    23 year old Tori Vega works for 911. She gets a late night call and its one she'll never forget. AU. Some adult themes.

  • Love Story

    "Will you be my friend?" Cat asked I smiled "sure, I've never had a friend before" Did you ever wonder what it was like before Tori came? How did everything come to be? Why are Cat and Jade best friends? (BADE) (CADE FRIENDSHIP)

  • Things I'll Never Say

    Jade and Tori have an argument after they go to Nozu (set after Tori & Jades play date) "I hate that your so much better than me, Tori" Jade yelled Tori sighed this wasn't what she wanted "really cause I was always just trying to be as good as you are" she muttered. /Jori friendship/ /mentions of Bade/