Goddess of Stories

  • Reading Special Books

    One day Percy and Annabeth goes to a library. They find some special books about them. What is they reactions when they find out about some of these special books. One-Shot!

  • Demigods Songs

    Apollo is making a concert he also he invited the demigods too. Read to find out how the demigods think of Apollo's songs of them. This was a last minute idea.

  • My Sister first fanfic!

    This is my eight year old sister writing this story.

  • Zoo-Keeping withWait WHAT!

    Percy goes to the Zoo in Central Park. He meets some new people and animals on the way. But what is going to happen to a special four year old kid day at the zoo? Read to find out!

  • Fathers Day Letter

    This is a one-shot about how a 5 year old Percy writes a letter to Poseidon. READ!

  • Meeting and Seeing

    Annabeth will face her fear of... High School. She goes to surprise Percy at Goode High. She also meets some strange higher schools. Will she do anything to keep Percy's and her cover.But the really question is: will her coming be a good thing or a bad.

  • Demigod or not

    What if Percy choose to be a god after the titian war? Would Annabeth still like him or would she marry some other demigod. Read to find out what happens and what is Percy the god of...

  • A Sister to a Sister

    Rosea is a new camper. This is my own charter telling her story about her adventures at Camp Half Blood. Who would she be claimed by? Who's her crush? Read to find out.