Shadow Padawan

  • Nobody's Hero (Except For Maybe Yours)

    Narcissa asks Antonin to train Draco in preparation for his mission for the Dark Lord. Draco is reluctant and Antonin feels duty-bound. But, as Merlin would have it, things change. Includes slash and cross-gen.

  • Renewal

    Snape!lives AU. Draco wants Severus to participate in his cleansing ritual. One-shot.

  • Atrum Vox

    Some of the most powerful magic is also Dark Magic. Yet there are those who revel in its power and do not shy away from the darkness.

  • Карьеристы

    Modern!AU. Долохову предлагают работу в Нью-Йорке, и ему приходится выбирать между карьерой и личной жизнью.

  • War Romance

    Fighting a war together can bring people closer than they initially thought possible. HET.

  • Beltane

    The day before the final battle is the first of May and Severus and Draco celebrate without seeming to celebrate at all.

  • Of Causes, Loyalty and Treason

    Regulus Black is faithful to the Cause, yet he is starting to wonder whether the man he and his friends follow is fighting for the same thing.

  • Coping

    Everyone copes with the war in their own way, but Regulus doesn't seem to be coping at all. Rabastan doesn't know what to do except for love him; whether it will be enough is a different matter altogether.

  • Picture of a Friendship

    Rabastan is Regulus' best friend.

  • Interlude

    After making the deal with Dumbledore, Severus goes home in a reflective mood… Mostly gen but contains slash and implied het.

  • Exception to the Rule

    Rowena thought she was not made for relationships before Helga came along. Femslash drabble.

  • All the Difference

    Cousins are not supposed to be lovers. Lily Luna Potter/Louis Weasley.

  • The Most Frustrating Thing

    Blaise has been infatuated with Pansy forever, but she is far too in love with Draco to even notice.

  • Seasons

    The metaphorical seasons of Lily and Alice's relationship. Femslash.

  • Grief

    Lily is gone and Severus struggles to cope. SS/LE and SS/ER.

  • Faith, Hope and Love

    A certain theory of magic holds that to be completely open to magic in its purest form, to grasp its full power, one must reach a certain spiritual level, master a magical trinity. Severus-centric.

  • Doubts and Lies

    Maybe they're only lying to each other. Maybe to themselves as well. Implied SS/RB.

  • Consider This Goodbye

    After the war, Pansy ran to Germany. DM/PP.

  • A Pureblood Girl's Wedding

    For a Pureblood girl, one of the major rites of passage is their marriage. But for each girl this stage in life is as different as the girls themselves. Features: Alice Longbottom, Gabrielle Delacour, Daphne Greengrass, Lily Luna Potter

  • Seven Steps to a Pureblood Marriage

    Narcissa and Lucius as they go through the steps to a proper, happy pureblood marriage.