Shadow Padawan

  • With Him

    Ficlet. While Sherlock was away, Mycroft and John fell into a relationship. But now Sherlock's back. (AU - No Mary.)

  • One Summer (To Define Forever)

    Pierre fell in love with Anatole when he was 17. They were still boys then, living a warm, Parisian dream. It was wild and confusing and beautiful. Pierre has changed since then, but the memories haven't.

  • Attraction

    "This first time Lavinia sees Mary, she is so captivated that she cannot come up with a single thought about the woman that would make any sense. " LS/MC femslash.

  • Speak Not Of Love

    When she is 16 years old, the beautiful and socially successful Princess Kuragin falls in love with an officer of little means and no connections. So starts an affair which will span years, marked by repressed passion, unspoken words of love and an constant impossibility of being together.

  • Where We Stand

    When Adam finds himself in need of a lawyer, he turns to the one person who's always been there for him. Chadam. Post-canon.

  • You and Me and How It Ends

    After his unsuccessful elopement attempt with Natasha, Anatole has to leave Moscow without getting a chance to make things right with Dolokhov. They struggle through the rift, pride and confusion battling love and a need to be together. And when it seems their love might pull through after all, the war starts and makes its own claims.

  • Silences Like Words

    Alma Jr. could always decipher her father's silences, but there is one that is not quite so obvious and she's not even sure if she wants to know the meaning behind it after all.

  • Гроза

    Прошли годы, а с ними — и детские страхи. И все же Анатоль до сих пор не любит грозу

  • Billiards

    Onegin decides it's about time Lensky learns how to play billiards. Slash.

  • Years After

    Ten years since Dolokhov's proposal, five years since the Battle of Borodino, three years since Nikolai's marriage, Sonya's life has changed significantly. And maybe, just maybe, it's about to change again.

  • What Passion Begets

    Before a raid, in the rain and dark, Bella gives in. Even though she told herself she wouldn't.

  • Wedding Night

    Draco and Pansy's wedding night. Borderline PWP and fluff.

  • First Times

    A series of firsts for Ginny and Gabrielle. Femslash.

  • It's Not About Love

    At the height of the war, as Emmeline is about to graduate, she has some important decisions to make concerning her future. RB/EV.

  • The Ways of Magic

    Severus and Barty are working on a complicated project. The solution is somewhat... problematic. Slash.

  • A Product of Circumstances

    Some people know exactly what House they belong in. But some of their housemates may be the products of circumstances.

  • Dancing In the Rain

    Louis convinces Scorpius to dance in the rain with him.

  • Despite the Odds

    Five years after an accident that makes it hard for Louis to use magic, he is struggling to deal with his insecurities when it comes to his relationship with Scorpius. In fact, Louis is convinced that Scorpius wants to leave, but are his suspicious correct?

  • Lion Among Snakes, Snake Among Lions

    Harry Potter's daughter was sorted into Slytherin and she's not unhappy there…

  • Forget-Me-Nots

    What is a growing attraction explodes into action when Scorpius has to go on a dangerous mission with the MLE. SM/LS.