What if something different happened in 7x8 (Right Turn or Left for Dead)? What if Shawn gave up on life? What if he called Lassiter to say goodbye? What if Lassiter called Juliet? Is it too late? One-shot.
Drabble from Season 7. A (probably AU) take on Michael's thoughts of his time with Sonya. MichaelxSonya
He's not about to lose another partner. Jamie/Eddie.
Belated Valentine's Day one-shot. Jamie/Eddie goodness.
Tagged to Double Back 11x13. "The first thing McGee felt was the pain."
"She grabs a fistful of Tommy's shirt. It's become a ritual. She can't imagine waking from this nightmare, and not having anyone to call. In the absence of her biological brother, she began to adopt a new one." I personally wish they had dipped further into the sibling-like relationship between Tommy and Thea. So that's what I do in this one-shot.
Alternate scene for the makeover reveal. What if Michael didn't see Mia until he was already in the limo? What if he reacted differently to Lilly's harsh words? What if they all do? What if the scale tips from friends to friendlier? One-shot.
Post season finale, spoilers for most of season 5. "It was Monica all over again, but somehow, it was worse. Because Deeks had pretty much said her didn't want her." Rated T for mild swearing.
A little run down of Kensi's thoughts through all of Season 5, ending with what I think happened after Deeks opened the box. T just because I'm not exactly sure.
Tagged to Spoils of War. "And that's not in Kensi's vocabulary."
Tagged to 5x16 War Cries. Nell/Callen (Nallen). Mostly AU.
One-shot tagged to "After Hours", Season 3. Dedicated to LuvEternal4Ever, Happy Birthday!
One-shot. Tagged to "Tonight", one of my other fics. "She wonders what he would think of her now, on one of her worst days, hidden under a quilt, dead to the world."
One-shot. "All he could think to himself was that this couldn't be happening. No. Kensi was not supposed to be coming home like this."
One-shot. "Tonight, he would mourn the love that could have been. Tonight, he would miss her."