Harry Potter is entering his third year at Hogwarts. The abuse that he has suffered from the Dursleys was at its worse during the summer break but can the new D.A.D.A Assistant hold the key to his freedom from his Muggle relatives? Ambrosia Evans-Snape has returned and hell hath no fury. Rated T for safety.
A missing Fable returns to FableTown. And this Fable plays a big part in Bigby's life. One-Shot! Warnings: Slight Language. Bigby/OC
Story Summary: Severus Snape is lying on the floor of the Shrieking Shack, dying from the bite of Nagini. He succumbs to his thoughts of Lily and what they used to share before her passing. One-Shot
When the Akatsuki attack Konoha, many lives are changed. Old bonds are broken and new ones are created. And an old friend finally makes their way back home for good. T to be safe.