
  • The Road Trip

    This starts from the end of season six when Lucas and Peyton drive off with little Sawyer Scott, it's my version of what I think would have happened during season 7 on wards if it had centered on Lucas and Peyton.

  • What are we?

    Betty and Kate are now living in Betty's house, one night when they're playing cards Kate let's something slip to Betty and she doesn't know what to make of it. Will it ever be possible for Kate and Betty to ever be more than friends?

  • The Diary of Betty McRae

    Betty McRae writes in her diary about the evens after the movie, it's basically an insight on to what Betty thinks and feels. I'm not sure if I should continue it yet so R&R and let me know what you think :) At the moment there is no pairings it's just Betty but I might add later if I continue it.

  • Stepping Out of The Book

    What if Snow went through the wardrobe with Emma? This is a what if story, and I'm trying to make it in a way where Emma still has Henry and August is still around. Snow/Charming (of course) Maybe Swan-Queen in later chapters. There will be a lot of time-jumps.

  • As told by Jade

    This is a series of diary entries from Jade West. It starts four months before school ends for the gang and Jade has recently split up with Beck. She's considering her options and a common interest with Tori makes them become closer. It is of course a Jori fic and the name of the title comes from the old TV show; "As Told my Ginger" but I'm just borrowing the concept of the name.

  • Jori Julliard

    Tori and Jade are starting college at Julliard in New York, little do they know they're going to be roommates. This will be a Jori pairing, and will center around both Jade and Tori but it may take a while before the romance blossoms. Rated T for now, may change it later.

  • In Another Lifetime

    This is my first LWD story, It's a Dasey fic also. Casey is confused over her new found feelings for Derek, and is trying to make sense of it all without freaking out. Derek feels the same way but both our reluctant to tell the other, as they don't want to make things awkward. In another lifetime, it wouldn't have been so hard. Rated T for now, Might change it later :)