
  • Behind the Crown and Blue Roses

    King Robert had a special way of showing his family how much he cared for them. - Lyanna Lives! AU.

  • Their Hearts Will Beat Together

    The faint pop of fireworks sizzled overhead, lighting up their faces and for a moment, they both recognize the other person and pause. But then the world fades back to darkness and everything is okay again, because in the dark they are strangers to each other. Or wherein Robb and Sansa get it on against a tree. Modern AU. PWP. Incest. Sansobb. Very lightly implied Jonrya.

  • A Taste of Steel and Wine

    Yes, Tyrion decided, Sansa was certainly beautiful. He would have fought a war for her too, if given the choice. He understood why Robb loved her; why he was willing to go to extreme lengths for her. - Implied incest. I do not own.

  • Eighteen Years of Snow

    The eighteen years it takes for Arya to realize that the one that she loved the most was her cousin. - Cousin incest, R plus L equals J, modern au.

  • Dear Nico,

    The only way that Leo can get Nico to talk is through letters. / Eventual Leico. Angstfic.

  • Blue Winter Rose

    Tyrion isn't surprised when he spots Jon in Arya's bedchamber, helping her climb out the window. {Book-centric. L plus R equals J. Post-war.}