

  • Paper Words

    Nothing says 'Happy One-Month Anniversary' like circling yellow helicopters and abrupt corporate takeovers by unknown and probably malicious major corporations.

  • Warm Velvet, Spun Sugar

    Carlos never goes to strip clubs. Cecil never dates customers. It's time some rules got broken. [Exotic Dancer AU]

  • Five Times Earl Cooked For Cecil (And a Sixth Time He Did Not)

    It takes a lot to love someone. It takes a lot more to let them go. [a collection of six short chapters following Cecil and Earl through the ups and downs of their relationship]

  • Echo

    Carlos is gone. It's all Cecil can do to hope that somewhere between corn muffins and quantum physics, he'll find peace.

  • Asymmetric

    Cecil uses his voice. Carlos uses his actions. It feels unbalanced, but maybe it doesn't have to be perfect to be love. [pre-Condos, sickfic, fluffy oneshot]

  • A Perfect Kind of Life

    an ongoing collection of lighthearted, post-Condos Cecilos oneshots. each chapter is centered around a different theme and contains enough fluff to cause severe dental decay.

  • Happy: A Desert Bluffs Love Story

    There is no warning. If there had been any advance notice, Gabriel would have abandoned his shift at the StrexCorp laboratories and set at a dead run for the radio station. He would have pulled Kevin from the booth, packed him into his little hybrid coupe, and driven them as far away as they could get through the desert. [Kevin/Desert Bluffs Carlos]

  • All About Your Heart

    Only three dates into their relationship, and everything with Cecil is already completely foreign territory for Carlos. After all, pretty high up on the list of what it is to be a scientist is 'busy', and also 'terribly awkward', though he's often suspected that last one might be specifically just him.

  • Ephemeral

    The worst side effect of re-education isn't the physical injuries or the gaps in memory. It's the realization that everything in life is transient.

  • Dinosaur Emoji

    After all the months of life-threatening situations, you'd think Carlos would be better about saying important things before it's too late. But they're comfortable and as happy as a couple can really be in Night Vale. And there are a lot of things he just doesn't know quite how to tell Cecil.