

  • Creeping On A Stranger

    Seblaine Week 2014: Day 1 (Alternative Meeting). Sebastian has always had a habit of getting in the way and making a nuisance of himself. Since his little sister had gotten sick when he was eleven, he has spent years trying to gain back the attention of his parents.

  • Purge Me Of These Sins

    Riddled by guilt in the wake of Pax's death, Connor struggles to find ways to cope with what he saw or forget what happened. Using alcohol and sex seem to be the only options he has.

  • Capture This

    With so few roles on offer in Hollywood, Brittany had managed to book a magazine spread for him. He'd needed some fresh photos anyway, but he hadn't expected the photographer to be so attractive.

  • The Coffee Run That Wasn't

    Blaine doesn't start functioning in the morning until he's had coffee. Sebastian doesn't let him out of bed to get it.

  • The Demons in the Dark

    Blaine's nightmares are always out of control at this time of year. There's only one person he would want to seek shelter with when he's filled with this much terror.

  • The Transfer

    Blaine had never really had any friends but when the new boy arrived at his school, he really wanted to get to know him.

  • mise à nu (exposure)

    Sebastian knew there was more to the scar on Blaine's skin than he realised, but that didn't quell his determination to reveal it and understand.

  • Give Your Heart A Break

    Blaine is halfway out the door of his last class of the day when he feels a pull on his arm and finds himself trapped between the wall and his boyfriend. Is it just his imagination or does the rim of Sebastian's eyes look faintly, suspiciously, dark pink?

  • Take Me On The Floor

    Sometimes the hardest part about working behind the bar was when someone attractive made a determined effort to hold your attention. Sometimes the hardest part about going to the bar was making a determined effort to attract the attention of the person working behind it.

  • Not Like The Movies

    Seblaine Week 2014: Day 6 (Disney). Blaine had wanted that fairytale romance for as long as he could remember. You know, the one where the guy comes in and sweeps the girl off their feet with a few choice words and an earth-shattering kiss. ...Then he'd come out.

  • Cold Comfort

    Seblaine Week 2014: Day 2 (Wet T-Shirt Contest). The New Directions have a car washing fundraiser to help pay their way to Regionals after the Warblers get kicked out. And if it just so happens that a particular former-Warbler needs his car washed by another former-Warbler, well.. That just makes for some interesting conversation, right?

  • Endless Possibilities

    A collection of Beddie/Thallen drabbles prompted via Tumblr.

  • Precious Moments

    Sebastian loves having a few precious moments of time to himself before Blaine gets home, but there are other moments he loves too.

  • The Secrets We Keep

    A collection of Seblarry drabbles prompted via Tumblr.

  • Behind Blue Eyes

    A collection of Coopbastian drabbles prompted via Tumblr.

  • My Life With You

    A collection of Snowallen drabbles prompted via Tumblr.

  • A Synchronicity Of Opposites

    A collection of Huntbastian drabbles prompted via Tumblr.

  • Mister Anderson

    "Mr. Anderson, huh? Is that they're calling you these days?" Sebastian asked from the doorway of Blaine's office.

  • Secret Love Affair

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "So, is there anyone you're secretly crushing on?"

  • Mutuality

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "Just because you like me doesn't mean the feeling is mutual."