
  • Losing Your Memory

    A cute (I hope) Huddy one-shot: Set sometime in season 5, not too long after Joy or the Itch. Cuddy gets injured in a car accident.

  • The Big Finish Hasn't Come Yet

    The Tonys may be over, but broadway isn't done yet! Not even close. Ana will have to choose in between two shows, Karen in between two guys. Ivy will make her decision in between her baby and her career, Derek in between what he wants and what is right. Julia in between her family and love life, Tom in between the same lovely life or change, and Eileen... See inside for the rest!

  • Magical

    If Hook didn't have cursed lips, how would the scene in the diner have gone? Emma wants to show off her magic to Hook. "Want to see something really impressive?" T just to be safe.

  • The Show Must Go On

    The sequel to "Beyond Broadway", by Tyler Nator. Ivy has a baby, and Derek and Karen have apparently moved on from Hitlist. Will Ivy let Derek into her Baby's life? Will Derek Be with Karen? What will happen to Julia and Tom? And how will Karen react when a person from her past re-emerges?

  • Time Jump

    The HIMYM gang from 2005 meet their future selves through time travel. How will they react to the changes? Totally ignores all the events of the episode they dared to call the finale. Swarkles, Ted/Tracy and Marshall/Lily.

  • Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Adventures

    The Tardis is having a midlife crisis! she misses all the companions since the ninth doctor. she wants to get rid of Clara, yet still wants her around sometimes. She wants to visit all the crazy places the Doctor goes to, and just have an adventure. But 3 Timelords and 8 humans can cause a bigger adventure than you would think!

  • Ain't No Party Like A Timelord Party

    It's Clara's Birthday! Of course, the Doctor has to throw her a birthday party! And who better to invite than all his past companions and selves since 2005? Three Timelords, A half Doctor-half human and 9 companions mixed with Gallifrayan cocktails is calling for a crazy night!