
  • Love'll Fix It All

    My idea on how the reactions to Juliette's decisions could of gone and how people start to realise they may have misjudged her. Could a video caught on a hidden camera change things for the worse, or help the situation? Post 2x11. Rayna/Juliette pairing. (Currently ON HIATUS)

  • Katherine's Gift

    Katherine's keeping a secret, but it isn't necessarily a bad one. Katherine/Elena pairing. One Shot.

  • Office Trip

    Mellie's having a shitty day and wants to see her wife. Olivia is having a bad day and wants to hear her wife's voice. Mellie decides to visit her wife at her office. One shot! Rated T for language. Also whilst I respect your opinion, if you don't like.. don't read!

  • Just Lucky

    Greer surprises Brenna at April's party, and she has a gift. First chapter set around episode 7. Greer/Brenna pairing. All three chapters compleated.

  • Finding Family

    When Carlisle's true mate comes along, the only one alone is Esme. 70 years later when she returns, is she finally with her soul mate? ONE SHOT.

  • Power With You Here

    Damon and Bonnie are taking a break. Bonnie sings to show him how she feels. Will it work? Bonnie/Damon pairing. ONE SHOT

  • Life without You is Empty

    This is my idea of what could've happened right after Stefan's death in 5x21. Implied Steroline. ONE SHOT Caroline/Stefan.

  • Cry In The Right Direction One Shot Version

    Lindsay goes to Shay after witnessing a guys shoot himself. Erin Lindsay/Leslie Shay pairing. Rated M for suicide. One Shot. aguiarcorina has taken over this story - www(.)fanfiction(.)net/u/5407371/

  • Petrova Family

    My version of how Nadia's death could have played out. Slight AU post 5x10. Katherine/Elena pairing. ONE SHOT. Rated M for the swearing.