Kira Dattei

  • Words Unspoken

    The death of his Dominus was but the first step in Nasir discovering who he is. He has survived serving Rome but now he must learn how to live while following Spartacus and share his heart with another. The death of his brother was not something Agron knew if he could survive. Yet he has found something new to live for through the Syrian whose life they spared. (Vengeance Nagron)

  • The Two Worlds of Magic REPOST

    Repost AU DracoHarry SLASH The silver collection of magic reached out and touched the only one that could control him. Maybe peace is truly possible... see AN inside for explanation.

  • The Two Worlds of Magic

    AU DMHP slash The silver collection of magic reached out and touched the only one that could control him. Maybe an agreement is really possible...