
everything ecstatic

  • I walk alone

    This is a sort of sometimes rhymish free verse poem about Jack Frost. i made it about Fem!Jack from Mischief's Acquaintance, but it could really go either way.

  • Alagaesian Earth

    There were two eggs Eragon found in the Spine. Murtagh has a twin sister. Wonder who's a Rider? Sounds interesting... Story much better than sum. Virtual cookies to readers, and even more to reviewers! ;)

  • Encounters version B

    So Sam and Dean are in D.C. investigating an anonymous call, but find a mysterious hooded figure watching them. Story better than sum.

  • Encounters Version C

    Sam and Dean are in D.C. from an anonymous call, but find a mysterious hooded figure watching them. The identity of said figure is different from that of version B. Fem! Jack Frost

  • Flappy Birds

    Jamie introduces Jack to the horrors of Flappy Birds. Jack is not amused. Oneshot written by Avengerscrazygal and posted by everything ecstatic cuz she's awesome. Disclaimer: I, everything ecstatic, do not own anything. Avengerscrazygal, the person who actually wrote this, doesn't either.

  • Mischief's Acquantaince: Google Translated

    Inspired by Malinda Kathleen Reese on youtube. I took Mischief's acquaintance and put it through like a million languages on google translate, and this was the outcome. Warning: No sense is made. XD

  • Iced Souls: Google Translated

    Like the Mischief's Acquaintance one, but longer. And, even less sense made. This is directly pasted from google translate, and some of this stuff I'm pretty sure isn't english.

  • Luck is complicated

    This is LokixJinx. Not sure what the plot will be yet, but i was brainstorming Teen titans ships when this popped up in my head. Please review and tell me what you think! Smiles!

  • Loki Acrostic

    Just an acrostic i wrote about Loki. Some credit goes to whoever wrote the song 'Neverending strife' on youtube, i used some lyrics.

  • Illumination

    A free verse poem about the Aether. Enough said.

  • Thor's View

    This takes place during The Dark World. Basically what i think was going on in Thor's head, starting about when he and Loki escaped and are on a ship, until *SPOILER* Loki 'dies'. Yes, it is a poem, and a pretty awesome one if i do say so myself.

  • You are more

    A poem about Loki, using the song "You are more" by Tenth avenue north as a prompt.

  • Shadows

    A 100-word drabble, using the song "Shadows" by Lindsey Stirling as a prompt.

  • Fistful of Silence

    a poem about Fem!Jack Frost, using the song "Fistful of Silence" by The Glitch Mob as a prompt.

  • Cheerleaders of The New York Academy

    Jack is a new student at New York City Academy, or NYCA for short. She decides to join the cheerleading squad, for whatever reason. Then she meets everyone. Fem!Jack, Fem!Avengers, except Natasha who, of course, is already female. High school AU, Loki (Lucy) will be included at some point.

  • Mischief is cold

    This is to go with mischief's acquaintance, a free verse poem about Loki and Jack. Fem!JackxLoki, minor.