

  • The Roommate From Hell

    In which Danny Lawrence was numb because Carmilla Karnstein was dead. So she decides to take matters into her own hands. Love will have its sacrifices. Danny-centered. Some gore and blood. Eventual OT3. Post episode 35 but pre 36

  • It's Beat Up, But I Guess It's Ours

    Laura has never gotten to sit shotgun in a car all her life. She wants to be able to sit with her girlfriends and hold hands with them in the car, but she's always stuck in the back seat. An unfortunate accident results in the destruction of Danny's old car and the acquisition of a new old car. This new old car might just be the solution to all of Laura's car problems.

  • Lipstick Stains and TARDIS Band-Aids

    Person B receiving a minor injury somewhere on their face. Person B insists its fine, but Person A fusses over it. Person B ends up going to work with a cute, colorful, character-themed bandaid smack dab in the middle of their face. Danny tries to hide the cut on her face and the bruises from a brawl she got into with a bunch of Zetas. Laura does notice and fluff ensues.

  • Fragile

    Carmilla's eyesight was dimmer, hearing was worse, she could feel a sharp pain in her chest and a throbbing in her shoulder. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this way. Felt so fragile, so human. Prompt fill. AU where Danny and Carmilla swaps powers.

  • Ain't No Tree High Enough

    Carmilla never quite knew how to handle the Danny side of their relationship. She had never met someone like Danny, someone so like her but not at the same time. Unfortunately, Danny mistakes her hesitance for something else and hides away in a tree. More unfortunately, Carmilla is afraid of heights.

  • Of Coffins, Mirrors and Silver

    Laura Hollis' boggart in DADA turned into two dead bodies, people she's never met. Danny Lawrence found the hidden Mirror of Erised, she found two girls with her reflection, two girl's she's never met. Carmilla Karnstein, her Patronus suddenly became a girl on the back of a giant wolf. Strange things are happening at Hogwarts, but some things were meant to be.

  • Who Said Hot Tubs Need Water?

    Laura caught Danny after she had Carmilla steal the Zeta's hot tub from their rooftop patio for some fun. But not the fun that Carmilla had originally thought.

  • I'll Take Care Of It

    Danny Lawrence sucked at chemistry. Danny Lawrence also had a semester's worth of chem worksheets due the next day. Cue Laura to save the day and the rare appearance of a domestic Carmilla. Response to an Imagine Your OT3 prompt.

  • Wishes Come True, Not Free

    The gang return to Silas after their adventures with Mama Klaus in the Styrian village. Unfortunately, the Dean is back, with the Lophiiformes as well and all she wants is Carmilla. What would you do to bring the one that you loved back? What would you sacrifice, how far were you willing to go? More accurately, what weren't you willing to do?

  • Presents

    Its Christmas time at Silas, and there are presents everywhere! But it doesn't need to be Christmas to give presents and not all presents have to come in wrapping paper. Sometimes the best presents are the ones right in front of cided to turn this into a three shot, just in time for Christmas! Originally started out as fluff but gets sappy.

  • You're My Favourite

    Sure, grand self-sacrificing gestures means a lot to a person. But sometimes, the little sacrifices that make you smile too. Established OT3: Seduction Eyes. Fluffy. Carmilla/Laura/Danny.

  • Stranger

    AU where Laura, Danny and Carmilla have never officially met but they feel like they know each other somehow. There's various close encounters, but in a city with a population well into the millions, how do you find two strangers you don't actually know? Songfic!

  • Happy Endings Come in All Shapes and Sizes

    Episode 36 told from Danny's perspective. Why would she go into the godforsaken pit for the insufferable undead, dead girl? Why would she give up her happy ending with Laura for the snarky, pain in the neck? Explores Danny's thoughts of that day. Mainly Carmilla/Danny with some Hollstein and Hollence, basically OT3. Danny centered.