
  • Not So Spectacular

    Stavros is fed up with Nikko's irresponsible and disrespectful attitude, on top of the fact that he deliberately went behind his back and lied to him. Basically what would have happened if Nikko hadn't obeyed Stavros in getting off the stage and going home with him and Amy.

  • Royalty Are Humans Too

    Two royal families, very close to the Pendragons, decide to reside in Camelot. While there, the princes and princess decide that it's time for Prince Arthur to lighten up and be a regular teenager -they just might even bring Merlin in on the action. However, along with being a teenager comes trouble; Uther is going to find himself having to be Arthur's father instead of his king.

  • Life as Mundanes

    The Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices, COMPLETELY AU. Lightwoods, Herondales, Morgensterns, Carstairs, Lewis; they're all living as teenage mundanes. The characters are probably OOC, sorry.