

  • Luminous Beings Are We - One Shots

    A series of one shots set between chapters 1-5 of the main Luminous Beings Are We story. These will be in chronological order following the storyline. Lots of healing, domestic fluff, cuteness, angst and sexy times to come (will be updating sporadically, rating will go up later).

  • Luminous Beings Are We

    Obidala. AU set after ROTS. Obi, Padme and the twins hide on a remote planet from Vader, who believes them dead. 9 years later, Obi & Padme's friendship has turned into a deep love and they are expecting a child together. An unexpected turn of events removes the parents from their children, and they must race to reunite before the Empire, and Vader, could tear them apart forever.

  • The New Forest

    Series of fluffy/emotional moments set after the end of Ghost Hunter. Features Torak and Renn, the supporting characters and all the joys and challenges of their new life together. M for some chapters not all. Please review!

  • Wolves and Ravens

    All the best emotional moments from the chronicles but with added juice! Includes canon storyline alongside fictional input. Includes Renn, Torak and Bale.

  • Three Misfits and a Baby

    Kitty has her hands full with a toddler, a sarky Djinn and an infuriating magician. An unlikely alliance leads to rebellion, adventure, drama and the biggest challenge any of them could have ever predicted: parenthood. Sort of fluff sort of drama. BxK NxK BxN it's all good.

  • The Summons

    Set in PG. Kitty summons Bartimaeus for the first time, and I don't think either of them expected this sort of outcome. Back in the day this would be called a 'lemon'. BartimaeusxKitty.