
  • Babysitting Children

    Anna and Kristoff are going off to somewhere important, and guess who has children who can't come along? Anna. Elsa has to babysit the childrens. Hiding magic from a 5 year old, who has magic along. Crying babies. Dealing with them in a week? Wish Elsa Luck reading is Story!

  • Phineas in Gravity Falls-Short Version READ DESCRIPTION

    This is the short version. Meaning, Not the FULL STORY. This is showing a part of the story to get you all interested. The original full is STILL IN PROGRESS. Also meaning. Writer's Block. Enjoy what I have for you all!

  • Anna's Twin

    Anna's mother, the queen, is awfully sick. While she had Anna! The king took her took her to the trolls. Which healed her and duplicated Anna, who is Ivanna. The girls don't get along much, so it was Anna and Elsa. When Elsa'a accident happened, they had to be seperated. Ivanna was greedy. Since Elsa is becoming queen, Ivanna wanted her place and decided to look for Elsa to kill.