

  • A Progression of Kisses

    After Barry kissed her, Iris turned to face him. "This will never happen again, will it? We'll both get married, of course - you to some pretty woman in tight pencil skirts and red lipstick, and me to some hot stud with big muscles and dimples. Who knows, I may not even like dimples." Barry's only response was, "Tight pencil skirts?" Slight AU, BarryXIris

  • Curves

    'Pretty' had never been important. Curves had never meant anything. They had been nice things, and desirable to most, but Rukia hadn't needed them. She didn't need them, so she didn't want them. But now, as she traced her hands delicately along the flat surface of her stomach, she wanted them, wanted them now more than ever. IchiRuki One-Shot.

  • Fireworks

    "The world is a magical place. All you have to do is believe." Disney Quotes Collection. While they're waiting for the fireworks to start, Rei realizes that he's maybe just a little more interested in the smaller swimmer with the watermelon-colored eyes than the actual festival. Reigisa Fluff.

  • Therapeutic

    For a moment, only because Tsuzuki loosens his tie just slightly and because he glances around the room in that alluring sort of way, Hisoka thinks about kissing him; but then he remembers that he can't even say Tsuzuki's first name properly, and that realization promptly shuts his desire down. TsuSoka, Established Relationship.

  • Georgian Telephones

    Telephones were simply irritating. Really, they were. They told of tragedies and they used to block the use of the Internet, and they rang too loudly at three o'clock on a Tuesday morning.But most especially, they gave the kind of news that the listening party was not quite yet ready to hear. UsUk. Mpreg. Human names used.

  • Pie Crusts

    Late Father's Day One-Shot. Had he been warned that there was going to be a large, neon-colored pie directly in front of his sleep-ridden and glasses-less blurry line of vision the moment he opened his eyes that morning, Berwald might not have offered a shout of surprise that sounded more like a pre-pubescent boy imitating goat calls. Sufin and Sealand. Human names used.

  • A Midnight Resemblance

    Despite being rudely awaken in the middle of the night, Hermione Weasley can't help but feel that she has to protect the son that reminds her so much of her husband. Especially when Hugo's had a nightmare. Romione.

  • The Epic AwesomenessCoolness of a Love Potion

    James, wanting to obtain the affections of Evans, devises to brew a love potion. But before he can give it to her, it has to be tested first. His guinea pigs are less-than-likely to forgive him for this. JamesXLily and crack SiriusXRemus.