

  • Unavoidable You

    Beth Greene finds herself drawn to a man she has never met. He is also the only outlet she has to vent about the one man she cannot stand: Daryl Dixon. What if her mystery online stranger is closer to the man she hates than she ever realised? (This is a terrible summary!)

  • We'll be good

    "He seemed an unlikely friend for his youngest daughter but he made her happy and that was all Hershel wanted for his children. He wasn't about to take that happiness from Beth or from the Dixon boy." I suck at summaries. AU, NO zombies, Bethyl.

  • Lines Of My Heart

    AU in which every time a person falls in love a red tally mark appears on their wrist, the mark turns black if their love is requited and becomes a scar when the one they love dies.

  • A Hunter's Heart

    Daryl doesn't know if it's bad luck on his part, or karma on Merle's, when he gets wind of a rumour that the local sheriff is looking for a hunter. He decides to move on. Stay as far from this kingdom as he can, where thoughts of Merle and his plans for greatness don't make his heart hurt. He can't rely on anybody for anything. (M for language)

  • Who knew, right?

    Rapunzel is wary of Flynn Rider, the new community service guy who has just started at the care home, but she is sure that there is more to him than meets the eye. Modern AU.

  • Empty Homes

    M.K has to come to terms with the fact that she is alone now... But will it be that way forever? ONE SHOT.

  • The Princess and The Ice Harvester

    Anna is sure that Kristoff doesn't want to live a life of royalty, stuffy balls and events. Kristoff is sure he can offer Anna nothing. Will a visit from a neighbouring Kingdom help these two see that they are made for each other?