

  • Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother - Part 2

    The sequel to Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother - Part 2. What would have happened if Tawny had survived the attack on St. Mungo's? Find out how she and Remus raised Harry, and what happens when her fiance, Sirius Black, escapes Azkaban.

  • The Legend of the True King of Maraudia

    Prince James has spent his life training to be the best knight in the realm, learning how to be next king of Maraudia, and using every waking minute of free time to spend with his best friends. After a duel to the death, that Maraudia is finally in a fight it many not be able to win. With his supposed destiny looming over his head, will James be able to defeat the Dark Lord?

  • Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother - Part 2

    The sequel to HPAU:HG. What would have happened if Tawny had survived the attack on St. Mungo's? Find out here how she and Remus raised Harry, and what happens when Sirius escapes Azkaban.

  • Harry Potter AU: Harry's Godmother

    When Lupin gives Harry a tin of magical photographs of his parents and Sirius, one face sticks out to him. A mysterious blonde stranger appears in over half the photos, causing Harry to question why he's never heard of this woman. To his surprise, the woman his godmother, Tawny, and that his godfather, Sirius, was madly in love with her; and learns her impact on everyone's lives.