Chronic Potterphile

  • The Real Doctor Sexy

    There is nothing that Dean won't do for Sam. [Takes place directly after episode 9.13, 'The Purge', spoilers for episode 9.14 as well]. GEN.

  • It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

    Sam's soulless days come to catch up with him and the Winchesters find themselves in a situation: Sam has a toddler daughter. There are difficult times and sad times, and then there are times with cuddles, bathtub babbles and wild ponytails on Sam's hair. He realises this might be the best and worst thing in his life all at once. [Written for the 2014 SPN J2 Big Bang.]

  • The Champion

    'Strong and silent' Cedric Diggory recollects some of his past on the day of the final Triwizard task. So what insecurities are hidden below that handsome exterior? What imperfections could the 'perfect' Cedric Diggory probably have? After all, every human being has hopes and fears… as well as bad memories.

  • Healing Hands: Two Little Snippets

    Two young Healers change the lives of Neville Longbottom and Demelza Robins. (Note: Neville and Demelza are not paired)

  • It's Called Sweet Vengeance

    After the war, there are still people waiting to seek revenge for the fall of the Dark Lord. Harry, Ron and Hermione, having had everything to do with the death of Voldemort, find themselves in another situation. Silliness, Firewhiskey, drunken kisses- all of these things seem to be a part of the agenda as the three friends face their past once again: unprepared this time around.

  • His Hero

    His life is a wreck. His marriage is a failure. He no longer has a family to fall back upon. His career seems all wrong for him. Everything is just falling apart. Yes, his life is a wreck. Until she comes along. (ScoRose)

  • Transcendent Affection

    Scorpius, Rose, Albus and Brianna, after a very eventful fifth year at Hogwarts enter their sixth year, hoping to have a peaceful time. However, their hopes remain just hopes, as new, strange events start occurring at Hogwarts, putting all their lives in danger. Once again, trust and faith are shaken at their very roots. Sequel to Black With a Hint of Red.

  • I Know Why You Smile

    Scorpius and Victoire, who have nothing in common but failed marriages, come to realise that sometimes, shared emotions can be the sole reason behind bringing two people together. (Sequel to 'His Hero', contains Scorpius/Rose and Scorpius/Victoire as the principle pairings, but as this is part of a challenge, light will be thrown over Scortoire).

  • Underneath the Shadows

    Rose finds out a few things about Scorpius and is not sure that she wants to continue her relationship with him. (Companion fic to 'Battered Heart'. However, both fics can be read independently.)

  • The Second Proposal

    It's a big day for Teddy Lupin and he's all ready to go ahead and pop the question to Victoire . Things, however, don't always go as planned, and Teddy just gets into one of those situations .

  • To Suffer and Be Strong

    A run-of-the-mill job turns out to be much more complicated when Sam and Dean find themselves in a fight that is more than just physical to them. [Case!fic with a side of hurt!boys, with angst and schmoop. Takes place after episode 10.05, Fan Fiction].

  • Just Walk Beside Me

    [Co-author: SPNxBookworm]. Dean's nightmares won't stop. Sam, to worsen things, has the perfect, hellish migraine. Cas is too human. They did not need the creepy shaman or the weird Chinese riddle, either. However, the reappearance of two faces from Sam and Dean's past might just be the best thing to happen to them. Brotherly love, Destiel. Hurt!boys. Sequel to 'The Darkest Night'.

  • The Worst Birthday Ever

    [It Was a Dark and Stormy Night 'verse]. It's Dean's birthday, and Holly wants Sam and Dean to take her outside to the park. Is anything ever that simple in a Winchester's life, though? [Kid!fic, GEN].

  • Unfreeze

    He almost doesn't get out of bed again; because he's tired — too tired, and his bones, and fingers, and hair are tired. His soul is tired. Set in Season 5, with spoilers up to ep 5.14. Laced with heavy topics, but also with some heavy schmoop and brother-touching. GEN.

  • When the Days Are Cold

    Sam is a wreck. Dean isn't Dean. Cas is dying. Who is going to get them out of this mess now? Set after episode 9.23, 'Do You Believe in Miracles'. Will contain slash of the Destiel kind. Sequel to my one-shot, 'One Man', but can be read as a standalone. AU, now that season 10 synopsis has been revealed.

  • Bubbles

    "Everything in life is like a bubble," her mother always said. "Temporary. One moment, it is there, and the next, it is gone." Luna drabble.

  • One Man

    Dean only needs Cas to be on his side this one time. (Destiel. Spoilers for episode 9.22, 'Stairway to Heaven').

  • Warped Around the Edges

    A permanent disability resulting from an accident changes Albus Potter's life in more ways than he expects. (Albus/OFC). [WARNINGS: sexual situations, strong profanity, mental disorders, suicidal thoughts].

  • Killer Instincts

    Harry is a happily married Auror, who realises that the past can't always resolve itself when he meets Ginny on a case. Ron and Hermione, on the other hand, seem to be tired of each other. Tempers are running high and the patience is waning. Is their marriage going downhill? And will the Aurors find the person responsible for the London serial killings? HP/GW (slow build) & RW/HrG

  • Tell Me Your Secrets

    Sam activates his Winchester luck by inadvertently touching some cursed bones. Dean is left with the task of rescuing his brother. (Set in season 8, warned for sexual situations and swearing. Contains gratuitous Sammy torture. Death!fic - sort of).