Chronic Potterphile

  • Ready or Not

    The wizarding world picks up its pieces after the war and apart from the inevitable grief from the loss all around, everything seems to be peaceful. However, little do Harry, Ron and Hermione know that this is just the calm before the storm, because there is something else that they have to come face-to-face with: life. [Rating for language and mild smut].

  • A Stolen Kiss

    Cedric Diggory is dead. After the tragic end of the Triwizard Tournament, Penelope Clearwater reminisces on a few hidden moments with Cedric, that no-one knew they'd shared. (For all the rare-pair lovers out there!)

  • The Maimed Reflection

    "I have decided that today is going to be the last day of my life." He was torn apart… ripped into pieces. He was never himself again. And from that day on whenever Albus Potter looked into the mirror, the reflection staring back at him was just too maimed to be his own. (Albus Potter one-shot. Featured on Mugglenet Fanfiction in November, 2012).

  • Black With a Hint of Red

    Rose Weasley is in her fifth year at Hogwarts. Love is in the air, but so is exam fever; and Hogwarts is heavy with a weird combination of nervous cheesiness. But isn't this the story every year? It's normal. It's right. And then everything goes wrong. A student— Rose's classmate dies unexpectedly one day, and investigations prove that it's homicide... committed by another student.

  • Battered Heart

    Healer Hugo Weasley is forced to relive a rather painful part of his past when a patient turns out to be the girl he has always loved.

  • Testimony

    Sometimes, things happen. Things that you don't want to look back at: things you never want to face again. But sometimes, the events of the past just present themselves before you unexpectedly, throwing themselves at you and threatening to haunt you forever… So what will Hugo Weasley do, when he is faced with one such situation? (Scorpius/Hugo slash.)

  • Plum Cake

    While the trio is camping after escaping the Ministry, Ron decides to do something special for Hermione on her birthday.

  • Little Angel Wings

    Ron and Hermione have a normal married life, complete with the good and bad moments: they have the small fights, the passionate kisses and every other thing that a normal marriage consists of. They can handle anything together and a slightly sick son is no problem at all. Just that, Hugo is not just 'slightly sick' anymore. It is something bigger, and much, much worse than that.

  • Eastern Dawn Stars

    Scorpius Malfoy travels to India for a Healing program and finds himself in the unlikeliest of situations when he starts to fall for a poor sweeper girl.

  • While He Leaves

    Ron and Hermione's thoughts, while Ron walks out on Harry in the middle of their Horcrux chase. (Poem)