
  • Sisters First

    In the aftermath of her father's murder, Jeanette Voerman endures the attempted help of those who understand nothing while once again Therese gets away with everything. References to possibly triggering canonical backstory.

  • Nothing to Forgive

    After the war, so much is uncertain but Arya and Sansa know two things: they regret all the childish hurts from years ago and their sister has done nothing that needs forgiveness.

  • Assumptions

    It might have been the hardest decision of her life and Shepard understands that Kaidan is struggling, too, but she is in no state to sit back and let him tell her that she left Ashley Williams to die because she couldn't be professional enough to see her past her feelings for him.

  • The Perils of Blind Dating

    After being called upon to come pick Theon up from the hospital, Robb is understandably concerned. The last he'd heard, Theon was just supposed to be on a date. It turns out Theon has a good case to make for having been on the worst date ever and Robb's going to have to have talk to Domeric about having set Theon up with his...problematic brother. Theon/Robb Modern AU.

  • Setting the Bar Low

    When Gabriel stood against Lucifer, he never expected to be the Archangel left standing. Michael's not happy but it's occurring to Gabriel that he has a lot of things to say to this brother, too. Hopefully this reunion will be a little less stab-happy than the last one.

  • Premature Rebellion

    Balon rebels before Theon can leave for Pyke and Robb's bannermen expect blood. It's not going to happen but he figures it's only polite to hear them out. Theon/Robb. Some elements of crack.

  • Fate is a Great Excuse

    Fayne doesn't really understand how this whole bound to fate thing works but that's probably because she has no memory of being bound to it herself. She understands why it's up to her to change things, really she does. But how could this world have made it as long as it has without her if literally everything everyone tries to do is fated to fail? It's just highly improbable.

  • Death By Inches

    On the one hand, Isaac Abrams was relieved beyond measure to get word of his long-troubled and recently missing childe. Still, just because Ash has been found doesn't mean that he wants anything to do with him or is at all interested in halting this self-destructive streak. If anything, it seems the time away had only worsened it.

  • Still Not Happy

    On Jotunheim, Loki discovers that Thor is a Frost Giant before Thor is banished to Midgard for going there and attacking. With Thor disgraced and banished and a Frost Giant to boot, Loki should be elated. Somehow he's not.

  • Smiling, Always Smiling

    Balon is glad to have another heir, and a male one as well, but looking at the child he knew there was something not quite right. He wasn't loud or fierce like his brothers and even Asha and he just wouldn't stop smiling. Alannys could tell him he was being ridiculous all she wanted but somehow he just knew that this was going to be a problem.

  • I Hate to Ask

    Satine was told certain things about vampire limitations that she discovers, quite by accident, aren't exactly true. There's nothing for it but to go back to Mercurio and try to sort this out. He'd really rather she found someone else to ask because this is certainly going to be an awkward conversation.

  • Plan B

    When Sam decides not to let his father out of his sight to go summon Yellow Eyes, Dean ends up dying. The angels really need him to still be in play for the coming apocalypse and so they send him back. Now Sam and Dean have a lot of questions and isn't it just wonderful that John's available to try and answer them? Just how much does John know about the apocalypse, anyway?

  • No Visitors

    Loki was, in fact, was allowed to have visitors at the start and Thor made sure to visit regularly. Odin quickly realized that perhaps that wasn't the best idea.

  • Consequences Are For Lesser Mortals

    After it's all over, Sakura isn't sure why they're even bothering to pretend that they need to decide Sasuke's fate. Everyone knows that they've been planning to just ignore everything he's done since he left Konoha years ago and she honestly can't see a little thing like, oh, every little act of high treason Sasuke's committed since then changing any of that.

  • Necessary Evils

    Jack's come through for her time and time again but he's never made any secret of the fact he views the humans as cattle. Perhaps it shouldn't have come as so much of a shock to find out a little bit about one of his illicit activities.

  • Terrible Parenting

    Trying to help Earth-born Shepard find her family, Liara makes a rather startling discovery. Really, the Illusive Man could give Miranda's father a run for his money as far as bad parenting goes.

  • No, Loki

    Post-Thor Odin tries to make sense of all that has changed in the short time he was in the Odinsleep and wonders just when everything went wrong.

  • But I'm Family!

    Peter Pan returns and decides that, now that he no longer needs Henry dead, he'd like to be a part of his great-grandson's life. Emma does not approve.

  • Not Optimal

    Of all the people who could be given an early intervention, Tom Riddle would probably be the most beneficial and the most difficult. The wizarding world was a powder keg that might just explode anyway but at least there would be no Voldemort to deal with. It may be Christmas but the three spirits will *need* a miracle to pull this one off.

  • Mudblood

    "Mudblood? Is that your idea of an insult or something?" Draco attempts to explain to Hermione why she should be offended.