
  • No Thank You

    What if the Dursley family had taken the more practical route of treating Harry kindly in order to keep him away from magic? What if it worked? What if he wants nothing to do with the wizarding world and Dumbledore has to solve his own problems for once?

  • Six Years, Six Applicants

    Chronicling Dumbledore's never-ending and sometimes desperate attempts to fill the Defense Against the Dark Arts position with anyone but Snape and Snape's persistent attempts to land the job anyway.

  • Nice Try, Potter

    James can't believe his luck when he finds a series of books all about their future son and can't wait to show Lily so she'll go out with him. What he didn't count on would be how hard it would be to convince her.

  • Pick Your Poison

    Crowley uses his influence to enact his version of hell a little sooner which makes for a very strange situation when Castiel arrives to pull Dean from hell. Just how much nudging will the Winchesters need to prevent the apocalypse anyway?

  • Not Quite a Reunion

    When Samuel doesn't die shortly after seeing Sam with his soul for the first time, there's a lot Sam wants to ask him but somehow he doesn't think he really wants to know. But Castiel wasn't always there and it's not like Dean's ever willing to give him answers about the monster he was for a year and a half.

  • Not Like the Stories

    Stannis wins at Blackwater. He's nothing like what Sansa expected her savior to be and is no one's idea of a dashing knight but, just the same, she can't help but hope that this just man will finally allow her to return to her family.

  • Feelings on Fratricide

    In the aftermath of his successful battle against Stannis, Renly's already small family has shrunken even further. As he makes his plans to continue his campaign for the throne, he attempts to understand why he can't stop thinking about his dead brothers. He and Stannis had never gotten on in life so why should his ghost be so difficult to get rid of in death?

  • The King Who Would Be a Man

    Joffrey is a little annoyed at still having to listen to his mother as a king but is perfectly willing to go along with her plan to try and preserve peace by sending Ned Stark off to the Wall. Petyr Baelish has a few ideas about how to throw a spanner in the works. But, as he reminds Joffrey, he's completely in favor of Cersei's brilliant plan.

  • The Art of Negotiation

    Robb hadn't seemed pleased that two wards, two marriages, and a squire were the price of a simple river crossing. Catelyn hadn't quite known how to tell him that they had gotten off easy given the demands that Walder Frey had started with.

  • Until We Next Meet

    From the moment Theon left, Robb never quite managed to stop waiting until they'd see each other again. At first he'd thought to have a happy reunion. Then he knew better.

  • Your Fault

    In the afterlife, a few of the most likely suspects try to figure out which one of them was the most responsible for the myriad of problems facing the ninja world.

  • Jeanne in Transit

    It was an old story, losing their parents before their time. Jean was lucky, though. He had his sister and things weren't always as bleak as they could have been. With seven children a husband, Jeanne could actually be called happy. It just takes one bad day for that to all come crashing to the ground and this time it's Jean's turn to take care of his big sister.

  • Vacation

    After the events of the Winter Soldier, Natasha meets up with Clint and has a few pointed questions about where he was when everything was going down and they could have really used him. In his defense, who checks their work phone when they're at Disneyworld?

  • Back Again, Ted

    Robin was always happy to see Ted and that blue French horn brings back a lot of memories but Ted had it right the first time when he said he wasn't that man anymore. They could never go back to those days and if he had to be reminded of that then so be it. Post-finale fix-it.

  • The Uchiha Problem

    Danzo was never pleased about the loose end that Sasuke represented but he could live with it. Three years of the kid living it up with the killer of their Hokage later, 'not pleased' might be a bit of an understatement. Tsunade could never understand just why Danzo didn't push for Sasuke to be in the Bingo Book but Itachi is really being quite unreasonable about the matter.

  • Slightly Less Traumatic

    Naruto pesters Sasuke while he's training delaying him getting home. He's so late, in fact, that Itachi simply doesn't have time to wait for him to arrive and discover the massacre and has to go looking for him. But once he finds them how is he really supposed to get Sasuke back home and stick to his script without making the whole thing just seem really weird?

  • The Secret Keepers

    Renai had never realized how difficult it might be to be the one that was never truly involved but the one who remembers. Fortunately, she doesn't have to shoulder that burden alone.

  • Like Sire Like Childe

    LaCroix's plans were simple before Nines prevented him from executing a unimportant fledgling. He added Nines to the list of people he needed to get rid of and got on with things. Or tried to, at any rate. How difficult could it possibly be to kill a kindred not even a week old?

  • Moving On

    Emily has had enough of revenge but she can't let Daniel get away with what he did to her. At her press conference, she decides to be honest for once and put her faith in the justice system.

  • Fish and Chips Friday

    While Sherlock is dead, Mycroft and John keep in touch. Pre-season three.