
  • Fathoming the Mind of a Werewolf

    James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin start their first year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, bringing with them their ambitions, histories, fears and deepest, darkest secrets. This is their story.

  • Sacred to the Memory

    A series of graveside confessions.

  • Dog Star

    This started off as a poem for a dead dog, and turned into a poem for- you guessed it- from Remus's point of view. No slash

  • Happily Ever After?

    An August wedding. Everything is perfect, everyone will live happily ever after, won't they? A bit of Valentine's fluff that's not quite what it seems.

  • Heaven is all around us

    One Shot. Sirius, beyond the veil, meets old friends, discovers the Kingdom of Heaven, and maintains that he did hate Kreacher.