Peyt fan 4ever

  • Wow Me

    Continuation of the Dawsey proposal. Rated M.

  • Headlong Toward Disaster

    The space was suppose to bring them back together better than ever. Not pull them apart further and lead him into the arms of another. She doesn't know why she ever suggested it. All she knows now is she's alone and he's apparently making out with other girls on the apparatus floor. She's not sure how she's going to do this all on her own. She's having his child and he's moving on.

  • After The Smoke Clears

    If things were different there would be a ring on her finger and she would be laughing and smiling talking about plans for their up and coming wedding, but things weren't different and that horrifying day had happened. A month later it was still holding one of their lives in the balance. How will 51 deal with the aftermath of that faithful day. Post Season 2 Finale.

  • It's Always Going To Be There

    "It's always going to be there isn't it?" He gave her a questioning look. "You and me." She finished softly, her deep brown eyes meeting his blue ones. He stared at her for a moment, transfixed by her stare, before he nodded. "Yeah… I think it is... I mean, I hope it is." My idea on how Dawsey will find their way back to each other. Dawsey two-parter. R&R.

  • Let Him Die

    "This couldn't be over. We worked so hard to keep it together over the past year. It had never been easy with us. Never. There was always an obstacle to jump through, never an easy rode out. But we always managed to jump through those obstacles together, never wavering from each other, even in the worst of times... We had finally wavered." My thoughts on the Dawsey 'break up'.

  • Forever Isn't As Long As It Seems

    "I learned since her death not to worry about the 'what-ifs' because they won't get you anywhere. You can't turn back time, and you can't rewrite the past. You're given one life and what you do with it is your choice." Dawsey. Very A/U. Post Season 2 Finale.

  • Everything About Me Is A Lie

    Liz Scott is fresh out of Quantico on her new job as an FBI profiler when her boyfriend Agent Donald Ressler comes barging in stating she needs to come with him and is lead to a blacksite where her life is turned upside down when the Concierge of Crime that Don has been tracking refuses to talk to anyone other than her. AU. Keensler. Give it a shot!