
  • Mistaken Difference

    He had heard the stories of the great hero who came back time and time again to save the land. The legends described the great hero to be mighty and brave. A savior garbed in green who could vanquish any foe that step before him with his skill and blessed blade. A goddesses blessing lay within him and courage was his most noble asset. Link was none of those things.

  • Fleeting Habit

    When Steve cleared his throat the soldiers eyes flew to the captain with the slightest hint of concern "Is your chest... tight?"

  • Growing up too Fast

    Links voice is too deep and he doesn't like it. Doesn't want it. He weeps openly into the well knowing all to well that he doesn't know what hes doing and he doesn't know how to be an adult or how everything got so bad. He's just a kid.. How could he?

  • Buffering

    On bad days Steve and Bucky stay in the apartment behind closed doors that are tightly locked and secured, with curtains drawn to hide them both and most importantly keep the outside world at bay. If its a quiet one Bucky just sits and stares. If its not Steve is always there to help him find his way back. Slight Stucky.

  • Discordant Variance

    The arm was more than Tony expected.. So was the pained expression on Steve's face whenever he thought the others weren't looking. A Captain America, Iron Man, Winter Soldier Fic.