
  • Small World, Big Coincidences

    Prequel to All's Fair. Nora's mother and godmother took her with them on a trip when she was still little. She meets people for the first time who will affect her life much later. But if they are so important, why didn't Nora remember them? Was she just too young? What was she like as a child? Short series.

  • The Path of The Serpent

    What does it mean to be a ninja to The Council? What does it take to be a ninja in this modern day and age? Being raised from infancy for this role, The Serpent has no clearer definition than anyone else. While his mind and loyalties sway back and forth like the path of a snake, he does follow certain rules to earn him the title of a ninja. Rating, for now, T. Drabbles.

  • Family Forever

    Jay, Theresa, Herry, Odie, Atlanta, Archie and Neil share strong connections with their mentors. Some of which stem from family. But how do the ancient gods really feel about putting the youngest generation of their family on the battlefront? Here's some of what I thought. I'll do as many as I can. Long drabbles.