
  • A Little Water and Love

    Grandma's houseplant is dying, being eaten by little bugs, but Link's sister, Aryll, doesn't want to accept that. She will do all she can to save the plant, even if that means spending all of her money to save it. Is there anyway she can keep the plant alive? One-shot, Rated K. Based on 180 Writing Prompt question 3: Houseplant is Dying.

  • Mystery of the Domed Mountain

    The strange mountain on the edge of the Mushroom Kingdom may have been the cause of the citizens, including princess Peach, to disappear. Mario takes upon himself to climb the steep cliffs of no-return to rescue them, but when he finds a green-clad hero there too, they have to work together to save their friends. A fun One-shot. Based on 180 Writing Prompt 13: "Behind the Cloud".

  • The Birth of the Great Sea

    The three goddesses of Hyrule are faced with Ganondorf's arrival and they discuss how to protect the land."There is only one thing we can do." Nayru said, and she turned to face her sisters, her blue eyes gleaming with uncertainty. "We have to flood the kingdom." One-shot, 180 Writing Prompts question 2: Huge Flood plus Animals. Rated K

  • Maimun's Treasure

    Stone of Tymora's Maimun ponders his life on the Sea Sprite. Short One-shot. Based on 180 Writing Prompt question 1: Deck-hand or Librarian. Rated K.

  • The Dark Cloud and the Ray of Light

    We all know the story of Link who left his forest with his fairy companion, Navi, to save Hyrule, so here is a different view of it. Around the time of the Great Deku Tree's curse, Princess Zelda has a strange dream, and is faced with Hyrule's future when Ganondorf comes before the King to set an allegiance, but how can she stop them when her own father doesn't believe her? Oneshot

  • Legend of Zelda: Imparting a Destiny

    "I'm Link, and this is my story as I travel through forests, mountains, plains, dangerous dungeons, and fight impossible battles, all to fix the broken Triforce of Wisdom so I can save the kingdom of Hyrule, and the princess, Zelda, from the evil Gannon." Link's POV in the events of the first game. Rated T for some blood.