
  • Finally Complete

    Set 8(ish) years after SAO events. Kazuto is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his and Asuna's child! What will they name their newborn? Short and sweet one-shot that is pretty much a fan service ;) First attempt at SAO. Rated merely because I'm paranoid.

  • It Will Be Me

    One night, while on a solo patrol, Michelangelo comes across a girl being mugged by some thugs. He saves her and they end up friends as Alexis was surprisingly accepting of him. Their friendship grows stronger until both wonder if there's something more. Just as they get together, Alexis's family moves to California. Will she ever find her way back to New York? Or to Mikey?

  • Family Is Forever

    Michelangelo has finally finished the last painting that is to be a gift to his family. He couldn't wait to show them once it dried, but would he ever get the chance to? When a regular night on patrol goes sour, the question of survival comes up for the youngest. Mikey fights but will his body give out before his will does? Will his family ever see his most precious gift to them?

  • To Lose Is To Gain

    SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN HTTYD2! This is basically Hiccup's thoughts and such at the tail end of the battle at the nest with Drago and then the aftermath. (Where his world gets kind of flipped upside down for a time.) I suppose you could call it a reflection of sorts. I hope it's better than this as this summary sucks, I'm aware. Hard to write a summary and not spoil things!

  • A Little Hope

    Terrible Terrors were the village annoyance and many of the other dragons didn't enjoy their company. Toothless seemed to be the worst with tolerating them. Then something happens which sparks a change in the household. Hiccup realizes he only needed a little Hope in order for Toothless to learn acceptance. Rated for injury/wounds. First attempt at HTTYD.

  • True Strength of a Hero

    Dedicated to SonicStories101 and her memory - RIP - Sonic learns that his mother is dying and is racing to see her, and arrives as she is in surgery. Things get crazy and the doctors think Sonic has the same illness his mother does. Can he fight it?

  • Two Years Atonement

    Prequel to One Last Fight. A gutsy move on the Elrics' part actually works for them getting their bodies back, but at a steep price. Edward made sure that Truth would let Alphonse go with no strings attached. A deal is made and now Edward must pay the price of the choices he made in life. He suffers in silence until someone discovers what he hid. Now he must fight to live on.

  • For You, My Dear, Anything

    Stoick seemed to have reserved those five words just for his Valka. There were six times that he said it that she remembered well and held dear to her heart. Stalka - StoickxValka

  • Only You, Astrid

    Set an indeterminate amount of time after HTTYD2 (mild spoilers). A fluffy oneshot between Hiccup and Astrid. Hiccup has been thinking and Astrid learns about what. Little did she know his thoughts included their possible future together! Featuring a sheepish Hiccup and a happy Astrid. Hiccstrid ftw!

  • The Silent Burden of Being Leader

    Reflective one-shot more or less in Leonardo's P.O.V. in which he reflects on the pros and cons of being leader and the eldest in the family. It's his silent burden. I felt like switching things up and doing a Leo centric for once. Something I've always thought about when I see Leo.

  • Klunk has WHAT!

    Klunk had gone missing, Mikey finds her.. as well as something else! Who would've known! A short series revolving around that loveable little tabby, her overly concerned 'father' and then of course, Klunk's surprise to the turtle family.

  • Returning the Favor

    Leo had saved Mikey from a katana hit, now Mikey returns the favor... except he takes a more serious hit for his brother. Yeah, getting shot wasn't fun. But he had protected Leo, so it was worth it. Who knew it would hurt so much after though? At least he had 'Doctor Don' on sight to patch him up, that was a plus. More or less set after the events of Don't Worry. Humorous ending.

  • The Loss of Sunshine

    Donatello is brought to the realization that even he cannot fix everything and never had the truth hurt so much when it applied to his little brother. Why was his best not good enough? Why couldn't he save Michelangelo? Short one-shot. Rated T to be extra safe.

  • It's A Cycle

    Mikey has a long day of birthday parties as Cowabunga Carl, turns out taking up a party with older kids wasn't the brightest idea. Don deals with his slightly injured brother and is enlightened to some things Mikey had kept to himself. Maybe the youngest is finally coming into his intellect!