
  • The rabbit Goddess and her orange plushie

    If not the first then one of the first fics shipping Kaguya(the mother of the sage)/Naruto. It may contain small amounts of crack.

  • The one they feared!

    There is a reason why everyone respects Shepard and the reapers fly in terror. Crack fic. Also find out who the father of the sage of six paths is.

  • Sasuke keeps his word

    When he says he is going to do something he will do it! No slash. Slight, as in with a sledge hammer, Naruto/Mei .

  • Chains of failed crack!

    A... different take on giving Shinji and Rei powers. Was trying for a crack fic, in my view it ended up as semi-humorous at best... Other title 'Or how i learned to love the blade of Olympus' Shinji/Rei One shot Happy ending.

  • Wizard blues

    The blues...music for the soul. Harry was reminiscing. Random plot in a random bar... No slash.

  • Hope you like deres Ichigo!

    Why you shouldn't kick super beings in the nuts. Or a study regarding the natural predators of Homo Ichigius. Alternative title, why being a Shounen hero and staring in parody hentai rocks! Once more plot on crack, consider yourself warned. Alternate Universe. Fem Aizen, Fem Ulquiorra. Contains lots of dere-dere, run for your life and sanity! Steer left to avoid bad grammar.

  • One day

    Or why people shouldn't whine about Dumbledore not doing enough. Also join the author in exploring why you shouldn't write when you have not slept soundly in days and your brain is addled.

  • Scaly swag

    Revealing Harry's true love, and a different take on the first task. Know you who enter here, there be bad grammar and plots on crack.