
  • speak loudly, walk softly

    Lucy hates the sound of Lorcan's stupid voice. Actually, she hates everything about him from his cap to his socks, but it's his voice that really eats at her nerves.

  • As Always, the Illusion

    Susan Bones as Always was loyal, Susan would always be so. Susan cannot however stand to see the horrors Hogwarts has to offer in her seventh year. freeverse

  • Wishing Away (fangirls)

    She tilted back to rest her head on the train car headrest, and let her rusty curls hand loose over it. Scorpius counted to ten silently, wishing the redhead away. Recently Scorpius found himself wishing away most Weasleys that he came across. Very meta and slightly crack

  • Greyscale

    He arrived in gradients but Ginny remembers him best in steel grey.

  • Somehow, Someway, Mourning Day

    Minerva mustered up a thin smile. Tonks and Remus had done well. Andromeda and Harry too. "Well then, Mr. Lupin. Take my hand. We are going quite the distance."

  • Rappel

    Flowers covered the shrubbery but Hugo was in no position to appreciate them. Rather, he was rappelling high speed into a historic landmark, hanging onto a flimsy transfigured belt.

  • home

    Tom needs the Wizarding World. He takes it in like water - needing something to fill his gaping, cold emptiness. He needs magic. Too bad the Wizarding World doesn't particularly care for impoverished orphans.

  • Out of My Head

    She was too familiar with the routine. Open door, open bedroom door, open legs. But something felt off. She was too hot, too cold. His movements felt like someone else. Someone agonizingly familiar.

  • Lines

    Albus hated that everything good - all the funny, ridiculous moments - of fifth year got overwritten with the stinking, pervasive shadow of resentment and hurt.

  • Angie

    It's only when she kisses him lightly that he is recalled to life.

  • Flowers

    Tom Riddle found horses beautiful, and girls more so.

  • Entirely Platonic, Intellectual Interests

    A little glum, a little nostalgic: Draco listens to Hermione Weasley, a little woman with so many thoughts and so many plans. He paid her little mind in school, but she has a vision for a future that he wants.

  • Hogwart's 2018 Love Squad Club

    Because technically we are a club. We're the Love Squad Club and we're coming for you, Hogwarts! Shelby Albert, matchmaker, thinker, and epic genius (always) wins at love. (LGBTQA)

  • Be Practical

    Realistically, there were a lot of things that Hermione wished for, and more that Harry and Ron dreamed of. Harry wanted to eliminate corruption. Hermione wanted to fix the world. Ron wanted something unknown.

  • Appleby

    Scorpius has a ratty old blue tee shirt. It was once Rose's, who got it from Tomas. Lucy, who had regifted it to Tomas, was given it by Domonique. Dominique stole it from Louis. Louis received it from Fred who got it from... Well... Somewhere.

  • In the New Year

    The biggest lesson that Lily's Mum had ever tried to impress upon Lily was that forgiveness was the key to life. It was a hard and irritating trait, but important. Great Auntie represented forgiveness to Lily's Mum.

  • Roxy Moxie

    Roxy Weasley has officially entered seventh year and nothing seems to be going right. The crumbling Statue of Secracy, wayward muggles, debates, ex-not-friends, and the slow imploding of her world, is only the beginning.

  • The Train

    Lily likes to read morbid cliche poetry, Hugo's suddenly smart druggy, Scorpius is a constant, and Rose sees it all from her hospital bed. (Possible triggers or sensitive topic)

  • To Climb a Mountain

    Lucy Weasley wasn't expecting a lot.

  • Poof

    Nothing lasts forever. The war is over; everyone copes in their own way.