
  • The Capra Special

    When a Holiday disaster drives Annie to wish she'd never been part of the Study Group, an Angel gives her a glimpse into what Greendale would have been like if that happened. Yeah, it's a Community Take on "It's a Wonderful Life". Deal with it. Part 1 of my Community Christmas series.

  • Lost Knight: Interlude

    Two years after the destruction of the Death Star, Han and Leia must infiltrate Coruscant in order to rescue Luke from an unknown peril. Meanwhile Obi-wan has to affect his own escape while being hunted by the Emperor's Hand. Follow up to Lost Knight: A New Dawn

  • Acquitted

    Jeff's past comes back to haunt him when Annie is hospitalized. Rated T for mentions of violence and swears.

  • The Ultimate Bottle Episode

    AU of Basic Sandwich. Something goes wrong and the group is trapped in the bunker for an extended period of time. All they do do now is deal with the repercussions

  • The RankinBass Special

    Abed tells the tale of how BallerAnnie, Jeff-in-the-Box, Troy Soldier and their friends saved Christmas. Third part of my Community Christmas series.

  • The Dickens Special

    When the group is snowed in at Pierce's mansion on Christmas Eve, and Jeff ruins Christmas for everybody, he is visited by three Ghosts that teach him a thing or two about the Holiday Season. Part 2 of my Community Christmas series.

  • The Recovery

    Annie's first day at Rehab, almost her last. Follow up to "The Reason".

  • Harry Potter and Gollums Chamber of Secretses

    What if Gollum was in the secondHP movie and not Dobby?What would he do when he meet Ron, Hermione, or the rest of the HP gang? Read and find out! RR Oh yeah plus I don't own any of this