
  • The Cherry Tree

    Scott's daughter Leah has grown up without her real mother, when she finally gets the courage to ask. The answer is not what she expected. Rated T for mentions of death.

  • It Was Only a Dream

    Terra has awful dream one night, But what is the dream about?

  • What To Expect When You're A Redneck Dad

    Being a redneck isn't that easy, so when the girl Scott loves passes away leaving him with their daughter to take care of. Now follow him on the insane journey of raising her and trying to find someone else! Hopefully he won't lose the baby! Rated T for M

  • Weird Poems

    It's a bunch of weird poems about the TD constants.

  • The Elements

    One was fire, with a dangerous temper. The other one was water, with a loving and open heart. The two were only seprated by a glass wall, keeping them from knowing each other. Based of the short film 'Draw With Me' For Hugh Takinamee!

  • Alone

    After an ill fainted day, Gwen's life was changed forever. She can't take it anymore. Hearing her mother's cries, Avoiding her friends, Hearing strangers comments about her. She knows that she is alone. Rated T for Graphic

  • Dear Kid

    By the time you get this I'll be long gone. It's not like I will abandon you, it's just I did something really bad and now I'm going be in jail. So I'm gonna write you these letters. Just so you know that I'm always here but thanks to my dumb choices I won't be able to meet you. So you must be wondering who I am? Well I'm Duncan Eli Mason aka you're dad.

  • No Longer Safe

    What happens when Mike has agreed to have an interview about his supposedly gone MPD. But when he starts having these headaches, and when someone is wanting their control back. Mike realizes what is going on. And Zoey returns back to their home she discovers something else shocking and maybe some heartbreak.

  • Three Days In The Life Of Zeke

    The old me used to love the farm, I used to love it. Not anymore, heck I ain't even allowed anywhere near the farm or near my mama since Total Drama ruined my life. My mama got nervous I would eat up all my brothers and sisters, so she did what anyone would do. She banned me from the farm, so now I live on the streets. I sometimes eat a stray cat if I get really fancy.

  • Be Mine?

    Lindsay begins to revive some packages, with weird letters! Who could be doing this to this dizy little girl? And when she revives a letter two months later what will unfold! Rated T because I'm lame. Birthday present for MrAwesome1999!

  • Worst Date Ever, Period

    It's a lovely evening for Izzy, Noah, Scarlett, and Max but when the media hears about the couples and how Trent somehow shows up. What could happen to make this date become the worst one ever! Secret Santa for Ferguson97!

  • No More

    Sequel To The Mask. Lindsey's done with living with the Mask, She has stopped believing that her mother is right. She knows what is right, but will her family and friends accept her without the mask? Will her boyfriend still love her?

  • Happy Birthday

    Cody's tenth birthday is just around the corner and he is so exticed! But when he returns home from school his see's an awful sight.

  • The Mask

    People think Lindsay is a dumb girl, But at one point in her life she wasn't dimwitted, she wasn't a cheerleader, and she wasn't blonde. But after a discussion with her mother she learns a harsh truth to be a part of her family. ONE SHOT