

  • Against the Dying of the Light

    Widowed and pregnant, Guinevere must rule the kingdom, but she is not alone. With Merlin's help she decides to allow the return of magic, but must overcome her grief, rivals and the threat of war, find allies, and raise a new Pendragon prince in the shadow of his father's legacy. This is Camelot in the reign of Queen Gwen.

  • What Ifs

    Mara contemplates what it would be like to meet Luke's family.

  • Episode VII: The Shadow of Fate

    Thirty years after the death of the Emperor, new foes emerge to threaten the New Republic and the rebuilt Jedi Order. My take on Episode VII - Luke/Mara, Leia/Han, Jaina Solo, Ben Skywalker, OCs.

  • Turn Your Face to the Sun

    Obi-Wan chronicles his exile on Tatooine.

  • Chasing Dreams

    After the Vong war, The Skywalker's are yet again plagued with turmoil – this time from the ghosts of the past.

  • Quadrilateral

    AU after "Enemy of my Enemy". Marian returns to Sherwood, alive, to find Robin in a relationship with Kate, Guy as a member of the gang, and Isabella as Sheriff.