
  • One Bite Too Much

    Yet again, Dipper finds himself ignoring his brain for the sake of his heart. This time however, it's his stomach that pays the ultimate price.

  • Additions

    The Pines clan has grown by a few more, and one of the now-grown twins simply can't help herself as a result (Future-Pines).

  • Oblivious

    Stan tries to get on with some work while dealing with what may or may not be shenanigans from his great-nephew...he frankly can't quite tell...

  • Interruption

    The Pines siblings share a moment together as one of them nears a monumental turning point in his life. (Future-Pines)

  • The Proposition

    We take another glance into the future, when the twins are grown up. Dipper and his sister find themselves tromping through the forests around Gravity Falls with some rather unusual business to take care of. (Future-Pines)

  • Overdue

    The twins and Soos encounter a ghastly figure on the way home from the Shack, and things quickly go horrifyingly downhill from there.

  • Dispute

    The siblings have a late night argument over Mabel's favorite hobby.

  • Overlap

    Tempers flare a little as the twin's respective video series finally lead them into a clash.

  • Special Delivery

    Out in the middle of a dirt road in backwoods Oregon, Wendy receives something of an unexpected surprise.

  • Snapshots

    A collection of short slices of life centered around everyone's favorite twins as they go from day to day in the oddest place on earth.

  • Stuck

    The twins and their older redhead friend get in a sticky situation. Pun fully intended.

  • Don't Move

    Over the years, Dipper has faced terrors and ordeals the likes of which few can even begin to conceive. Yet now all his past experience seems to be for naught as he finds himself in circumstances where he can barely keep it together. Will he hold out? Or will he crack under the pressure? (Future-Pines)

  • Never Alone

    Becoming a mother has lead to both joy and pain in Mabel's life, and to a family that has both grown and shrunk as a result. But as she finalizes the end of her marriage, she soon learns that she's anything but on her own. (Future-Pines)

  • Repay

    Years ago, a young boy did battle with the mighty Multi-Bear, and won. Now, years later Dipper Pines returns to settle an old life-debt. (Future-Pines)

  • Bailout

    When the twins get busted by local law, a friend of theirs helps out by getting a little bit creative.

  • Guilt

    A hopelessly anxiety-wracked boy becomes stricken by the realization of what he's put both himself and his sister through over the past few weeks.

  • Say Goodbye

    Mabel Pines bids a painful final farewell.

  • Wounded

    After an incident in the woods, Dipper desperately tries to tend to his injured sister.

  • A Fairy Tale Adventure

    We join Dipsel and Mabel, two abandoned peasant children wandering aimlessly through the forest. What surprises await them as they try to return home?

  • Unexpected

    The twins and their friend find out that even with lives as peculiar as theirs, they can still be surprised.