Lynn S M

  • A Recipe for Disaster

    Lois tries her hand at cooking macaroni and cheese. Can she botch even this old staple?

  • Why The Daily Planet's Circulation is Down

    A conversation at a newsstand reveals why one customer is no longer buying copies of The Daily Planet as often as he used to.

  • The Talk, Kryptonian Style

    No, this isn't *that* talk. After all, this is a K-rated story. It's the *other* talk... The one only a Kryptonian father will have with his half-Kryptonian son.

  • No Place Like Home

    This super-short vignette picks up where the series' finale left off...or does it?

  • The Shortest Distance

    Flying is easy; navigating's a lot harder.

  • The July 4th Costume Party

    Someone shows up oddly dressed at The Daily Planet's costume party. Just what is their costume supposed to be?

  • A Hair-Razing Experience

    Clark can give himself a good haircut now, but that wasn't always the case. How did teenage-Clark learn to deal with his newly invulnerable hair?

  • A Brief Story: A Lois & Clark and New 52 Crossover of Sorts

    A discussion with Dr. Klein gives Clark hope that he and Lois might be able to have children, after all, provided that he make a simple change.